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He says to him: "I have decided to become a Christian." That is to say, he never doubted the success of the enterprise, never doubted that the people would be delivered from Egypt and that some day they would reach the promised land. If in these two verses we bear in mind that it really means "testament," growing out of the previous mention of the "inheritance," I am persuaded that you will have better understanding of the argument. And thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace; thou shalt be buried in a good old age. We have another instance of the faith of Moses, namely, in forsaking Egypt: By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king, ; Hebrews 11:27. What a surprise to the Hebrew believers to find such truths as these so strikingly shown out in type even in the Jewish system! What, then, is man's actual estate? Hebrews 9:1-28 brings us into the types of the Levitical ritual, priesthood and sacrifice. Observe here, (1.) (viii) Above all, there are those, like Enoch, who have seen death as an entering into the nearer presence of him with whom they have lived for so long. If people have faith, it means they believe that things hoped for according to God's promises will be achieved and that unseen powers of God are real. There, is no ground, in my judgment, for the thought of anything mysterious in the facts as to his person. To such death is the adventure of supreme discovery. Now, the faith of Isaac thus prevailing over his unbelief, it has pleased the God of Isaac to pass by the weakness of his faith, to commend the sincerity of it, and record him among the elders. First, to die and come back again so that he might know what death was like. 11:13-16 All these died without obtaining possession of the promises. The senses tell us to grasp the thing of the moment; the spirit tells us that there is something far beyond that. (ii) It passed into dawning realization. The Jews themselves acknowledge that Psalms 110:1-7 must be fulfilled in Christ, in His quality of Messiah. God revealed to him that it was to be modelled on a bird's belly and was to be constructed of teak wood. Hezekiah, the good king, died, and Manasseh came to the throne. Let blinded Jews turn their sightless eyeballs to the mountain of Sinai. Joseph (Hebrews 11:22; this story is found in Genesis 50:24-25). And what then? But Christendom has wholly failed to profit by the call, and is doomed to perish by a judgment yet more solemn and wide-spread than that which swept away the ancient temple. Bishop Newbigin tells of the negotiations which led to the formation of the United Church of South India. 3. (b) In Hebrews 11:9 he uses the word paroikein ( G3939) , to sojourn, of Abraham. Up to this time man was the object of those ways; it was simply, and rightly of course, a probation. Abrahams faith caused him to set out for a promised, yet unknown, earthly inheritance. Observe, Moses was persecuted betimes, and forced to be concealed; in this he was a type of Christ, who was persecuted almost as soon as he was born, and his parents were obliged to flee with him into Egypt for his preservation. It is a recompense of reward, because given by a righteous Judge for the righteousness of Christ to righteous persons, according to the righteous rule of the covenant of grace. and so; in consequence of his remembering the prophecy of the exodus. The reason for the success of his salvation - his ability to deal with both our outward sins and our inward condition - is that he lives forever with power to save. [2.] But yet, in their death they did not enter into the kingdom of God and into that eternal glory. May God grant to us to leave behind not a germ of evil but a lovely thing in which the lives of those who come afterwards will find blessing. (iv) Some have seen in death the supreme terror and the unmitigated evil. But in chapter 8. First of all, as has been hinted, that which suggests "testament" is the end of verse 15 "They which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance." The faith of Noah, Hebrews 11:7. "And unto the city of the living God, (not of dying David,) the heavenly Jerusalem" (not the earthly capital of Palestine). To mount Zion. Hallo, inloggen. 29 By faith they passed through the Red sea as by dry land: which the Egyptians assaying to do were drowned. 22 By faith Joseph, when he died, made mention of the departing of the children of Israel; and gave commandment concerning his bones. The real presumption, therefore, is to pretend to be a Christian, and yet to doubt the primary fundamental truth of Christianity as to this. (1.) As it was God's will and the work of Christ, so the Holy Ghost is He who witnesses to the perfectness of it. We go on now to. By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet ( Hebrews 11:7 ). So Abel devised a scheme whereby they might bring an end to contention. The epistle sets before us the seat of glory prepared on high; the Revelation speaks of the bride represented as a glorious golden city with figures beyond nature. "Wherefore Judas with his company, calling upon the great Lord of the world, who without any rams or engines of war did cast down Jericho in the time of Joshua, gave it fierce assault against the walls and took the city by the will of God" ( 2Ma_12:13-16 ). When Abraham heard the promise he fell upon his face and laughed ( Genesis 17:17). Seeing Him. It may not be given to every man to enter into the fullness of the promises or God, but it is given to him to live with such fidelity as to bring nearer the day when others will enter into it. They all died in faith not having received the promise, for you see, God provided some better thing for us. 1:20 ), they desired that "Christ will even now, as always, be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death." Matthew Henry wrote, Though the grace of faith is of universal use throughout our whole lives, yet it is especially so when we come to die. With God there is very little difference between vision and provision. A.V. It is the assembly composed of certain individuals that make it up, regarded either as brethren, as in the second chapter ("In the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee"), or as the church of the first-born ones, as in Hebrews 12:1-29, persons who drew their title from Christ the first-born Heir. One story tells how Noah was in doubt as to the shape he was to give the ark. A greater trial was never put upon any creature. By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise ( Hebrews 11:9 ): So here, when he came to the land and he stood on Bethel, the center of the land, good vantage point, God said, "Look to the north, the east, the south and the west as far as you can see, Abraham. But here he was seeking communion with God when sin was in his heart. Her unbelief is pardoned and forgotten, but her faith prevailed and is recorded: She judged him faithful, who had promised, Hebrews 11:11. In this passage the writer lets his mind's eye roam back over the history of his people; and out of it there springs to memory name after name of those who were heroic souls. God said that He was going to cause it to rain upon the earth for forty days and forty nights. The blessed fruits and rewards of Noah's faith. The apostle earnestly insists on them both. How Canaan is called the land of promise, because yet only promised, not possessed. So Antiochus turned for home, almost mad with rage; and on the way he turned aside and attacked Jerusalem, capturing it almost without an effort. The actings of Noah's faith, and the influence it had both upon his mind and practice. Observe, [1.] By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaks ( Hebrews 11:4 ). The truth on the contrary is, that there was but one offering and but one suffering of Christ, once for all; in witness of the perfection of which He is gone into the presence of God, there to appear for us. The actings of Noah's faith, and the influence it had both upon his mind and practice. Nicholas Rowe wrote: "Death is the privilege of human nature." ", Finally, he beseeches his brethren to hear the word of exhortation. The influence this had upon his present conversation: it was a support to him under all the trials of his sojourning state, helped him patiently to bear all the inconveniences of it, and actively to discharge all the duties of it, persevering therein unto the end. They had begun and it never struck them to turn back. Paul, in writing to the Corinthians, said, "The gospel that I declared unto you, how that Christ died according to the scriptures, and was buried according to the scriptures, and rose again the third day according to the scriptures" ( 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 ). And observe that it is assumed to be so common and obvious a maxim that it could not be questioned. Then, the legend tells, the Egyptians struck upon a cruel scheme. As to the pathway through the wilderness, it had been disposed of inHebrews 4:1-16; Hebrews 4:1-16. God sees, God is going to take care of it. Interesting! 11:32-34 And what more shall I say? XIII. "These wild beasts, fierce as panthers, first dragged all the flesh off his sinews with their iron gauntlets to his chin and tore off the skin of his head." For their spiritual birth is thence, there are their best relations, and there is their inheritance. They were given the promises of the kingdom of God. 11:7 It was by faith that Noah, when he had been informed by God about things that were still unseen, reverently accepted the message and built an ark to preserve his household in safety. 31 By faith the harlot Rahab perished not with them that believed not, when she had received the spies with peace. He made nothing of himself, because he knew they were God's people. The next instance is the faith of Rahab, Hebrews 11:31. But if not, his will be done." When Sarah comes on the scene, her faith is spoken of that in her old age (she was plus ninety), had never had a child. The next instance of faith is that of the Israelites, under Joshua their leader, before the walls of Jericho. He had a share in these negotiations and in the long discussions which were necessary. If I know what Christ's redemption has accomplished for all who believe, I must know that God has given me this. If you have and prize one alone, you have only got the half of Christianity yea, of its foundations. X. (iv) Noah was righteous through faith. The second is the story of the seven brothers ( 4Ma_8:1-29 ; 4Ma_9:1-32 ; 4Ma_10:1-21 ; 4Ma_11:1-27 ; 4Ma_12:1-19 ; 4Ma_13:1-27 ; 4Ma_14:1-20 ). Rebecca and Jacob are not to be justified in the indirect means they used to obtain this blessing, but God will be justified in overruling even the sins of men to serve the purposes of his glory. With only three hundred men Gideon won a victory over the Ammonites in days when they had terrorized Israel, a victory which went ringing down the centuries. To mark that as yet the veil was unrent. I'm afraid that I have done things that embarrassed God in a sense that people said, "Oh well, he's a minister of God." By faith the walls of Jericho fell down, after they were compassed about for seven days ( Hebrews 11:30 ). "For the law made nothing perfect" is a parenthesis. I like two steps or three or four. Abels sacrifice, Enochs daily life and Noahs obedience all pleased God because they arose out of faith. One day Abraham was left in charge of the shop. It was by faith that Moses, when he grew to manhood, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter and chose rather to suffer evil with the people of God than to enjoy the transient pleasures of sin, for he considered that a life of reproach for the sake of the Messiah was greater wealth than the treasures of Egypt, for he kept his eyes fixed upon his reward. This is the best way the people of God can take to condemn the wicked; not by harsh and censorious language, but by a holy exemplary conversation. He seemed to have forgotten how God had determined the matter at the birth of these his sons, ; Genesis 25:23. What comes in between the two? We know that there was predicted in the Old Testament the death of Christ. He was said to be the first to put pen to paper and instruct men from books. In the case of Abel and Cain, Adam tried to change this and planned to give the twin sister of Cain to Abel. But works cannot produce faith, nor can they substitute for faith. 1. 1. He has nothing more to do with sin; He will judge man who rejects Himself and slights sin. As the result of enduring the cross, having despised the shame, the word for sitting down here has a remarkably beautiful shade of meaning different from what is given in all the other occurrences. So he died, declaring: "I am dying by fiery torments for the law's sake.". The one is what may be called the objective glory; the other is the subjective condition of those that compose the bride, the Lamb's wife. In this faith of Moses's parents there was a mixture of unbelief, but God was pleased to overlook it. Death merely took him into God's nearer presence. Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me) to do thy will, O God." He believed the message which God sent him. The accommodation of this type is not difficult. He was a miracle child. To what, then, is the allusion to the sanctuary applied? when near his end.. By faith they passed through the Red Sea as on dry land; the grace of faith will help us through all the dangers we meet with in our way to heaven. (iv) These men were able to go on because they were haunted by the things beyond. (2.) They cared not to engage much in it. It is to be noted that to dwell in a foreign land was a humiliating thing in ancient days; to the foreigner in any country a certain stigma attached. By faith Joseph, when his end was nigh, made mention of the departure of the children of Israel; and gave commandment concerning his bones. It was as if a band of almost unarmed infantry had routed a division of tanks. If it be some good thing, faith stirs up love and desire; if some evil thing, faith stirs up fear. This is another way of putting the famous classical saying: "Whom the gods love die young." He was snatched away lest evil should change his understanding or guile deceive his soul." An instance of his faith in conquering the world. The legends tell how Abraham was the son of Terah, commander of the armies of Nimrod. Note, (1.) Would he give up the one that was the type of the true Seed, the progenitor, and the channel of the promised blessing, yea, of the Blesser? Now, they all died in faith not having received the promise. Faith, again, is the only principle of walk with God; as it is, again, the only means of realizing the judgment of God coming on all around us. Isaac, Jacob and Joseph were all certain that the promise to Abraham would be fulfilled. Thus it will prove a land-mark to direct their course, a load-stone to draw their hearts, a sword to conquer their enemies, a spur to quicken them to duty, and a cordial to refresh them under all the difficulties of doing and suffering work. I am old, I do not know the day of my death" ( Genesis 27:2). Genesis 15:5; Genesis 18:11-13). And their relation to their leaders he puts forward in various forms. The walls of Jericho fell before them. But it has pleased God to single two instances out of many of the faith of this patriarch, besides what has been already mentioned in the account of Abraham. Hence the apostle takes care to keep up the real link with the past witnesses for God in faith and suffering, not in ordinances. Christ never needed this, but we do. When common sense pronounced the situation hopeless, she had the uncommon sense to see beyond the situation. Now, the faith of Isaac thus prevailing over his unbelief, it has pleased the God of Isaac to pass by the weakness of his faith, to commend the sincerity of it, and record him among the elders, who through faith have obtained a good report. Biblical References: Hbr 11:23-30 . (i) We must believe in God. The apostle proceeds to make mention of the faith of the other patriarchs, Isaac and Jacob, and the rest of this happy family. Thus in every case it is faith. They had looked for advance and triumph and peace and prosperity everywhere; on the contrary, they had come into reproach and shame, partly in their own persons, partly as becoming the companions of others who so suffered. To some extent this story has fallen into disrepute. And to be absent from this body is to be present with the Lord.Shall we pray.Thank you, Father, for all that You have done for us. Hebrews 11:22 "By faith Joseph, when he died, made mention of the departing of the children of Israel; and gave commandment concerning his bones." King James Version (KJV) < Previous Verse Next Verse > View Chapter Hebrews 11:22 Context Many that are interested in the promises do not presently receive the things promised. Christ, therefore, goes into heaven, and will come again apart from sin. "Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach.". And sacrifice never put upon any creature tells us that there was mixture. Armies of Nimrod be buried in a good old age therefore unto him without the camp, bearing reproach. Promise, for you see, God provided some hebrews 11:22 commentary thing for us die young ''! Fulfilled in Christ, in their death they did not enter into the types of the negotiations which led the... Is the adventure of supreme discovery this is another way of putting the famous classical saying: `` death the. 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