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I am puzzled that the Jerusalem Jewish saints do not seem to take a prominent role in this conflict. The Jews can claim no merit, they can take no credit, with respect to their salvation, and thus they are no better than Gentile saints. In Peter's speech, he reminded the church of his own ministry to the Gentilesnamely the conversion of the Cornelius . I don't know how long its goin. Is this not the truth the false brethren (Galatians 2:3-5)legalists whose salvation is not absolutely clear (Acts 15:1-2)and even some of the Jerusalem churchs Jewish giants (Acts 10-11; Galatians 2:11-13)were reticent to receive? Separate, but equal, was simply not good enough. Paul reminds Jewish Christians that they were not able to earn justification through law-keeping; rather, like the Gentile Christians, the Jewish believers, too, were justified by faith in Christ. Paul and St. Peter were the leaders of the early Church, yet they were so very different-both in body and mind. I don't know how long its going to take some folks to realize , they preached ONLY ONE GOSPLE. He was an excellent writer and an intellectual. Peter at least spoke Aramaic, while Paul spoke various languages, including Greek and Hebrew. They wanted Jewish churches and Gentile churches. I believe this is precisely the policy the Jerusalem saints (including their leaders) wanted. He is declaring to his readers that Pauls epistles are the inspired Word of God. These men would become two of the Churchs greatest saints from the apostolic era. Israel would be a light for salvation unto the Gentile nations that would enter the kingdom (Isaiah 60:3). He was summarily called on the carpet to explain his actions. God may well intend to edify our church through the ministry of someone from outside our flock. Promised to receive an earthly inheritance in the kingdom. Peter preached forgiveness of sin at the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 3:19). Paul too preached the Gospel of the Kingdom. Paul is known to us as the apostle of grace, but Peter was an apostle of grace too. "But Paul cried with a loud voice, saying, 'Do thyself no harm: for we are all here.'" Works are excluded as the basis of salvationotherwise people could boast about what they have done. Is Divorce And Remarriage After Abuse, Neglect, Financial, Or Emotional Issues Okay? Name Instructor Course Date Comparing and Contrasting Peter and Paul Apostles Paul and Peter are the most celebrated men who played a critical role in the establishment of the doctrine of Christianity all over the world after the ascension of Jesus Christ. 15:14). There is a harmony and a consistency between Pauls epistles and the rest of Scripture, as there most certainly must be (see also 3:2). The best that can be said of the Jerusalem church is they were on the lagging edge of Gentile evangelism, and they seemed to drag their feet in dealing decisively with the error of the legalists with whom they seemed to be too closely associated. Q. Paul is the representative Christian schoolman of his time. 5He bent over and looked in at the strips of linen lying there but did not go in. Israel would rule and reign with Jesus for a thousand year period (, ). from Staffordshire University (England). Peter would have known about these differences from the disciples trained under Paul (the accepted canonical 2 Peter 3:15). and its the same and its the ONLY GOSPLE that can save a man . James nor paul contradicted each other . They were positively crushing to him. As John the Baptist said, He must increase, but I must decrease (John 3:30). In John 21:15-19 we read that the Lord Himself entrusted the care of the flock to Peter. When he and Barnabas did go up to Jerusalem after 14 years, they took Titus with them. Both Peter and Paul were ordained of God to preach the gospel. Peter preached the receiving of the Holy Ghost to enable Israel to enter the kingdom (Jeremiah 31:33 Acts 2:33 Acts 2:38). So far as Lukes account is concerned, the first missionary journey was completely independent of the church in Jerusalem. After his conversion Paul was given revelations from the Lord Jesus Christ; Paul did not learn from any man including the twelve Apostles (Galatians 1:12). And these things were foretold. In the Book of Acts, when the church had to make critical decisions and declarations, it was never done by only one person, no matter who he was. Do Those Who Commit Suicide Go To Hell? For a long time, I have understood Peters phrase, some things hard to understand,76 to refer to some perplexing texts which are hard to interpret like this one: 29 Otherwise, what will those do who are baptized for the dead? 9 As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to that which you received, let him be accursed (Galatians 1:6-9). You're wrong." We have to remember that Paul probably used to feel the say way as Peter did. Paul sought to submit himself to the church leaders in Jerusalem, but he did not hesitate to rebuke Peter when his actions were a denial of the gospel. Peters] teaching. 20 But there were some of them, men of Cyprus and Cyrene, who came to Antioch and [began] speaking to the Greeks also, preaching the Lord Jesus. Paul taught salvation to all freely by faith in Christ apart from the covenants of Israel, and apart from keeping the law (Romans 9:4Romans 3:28Galatians 2:19). The principle of plurality applies not only to the origination of Scripture (authorship) but also to its recognition and interpretation. In my previous post I raised the question of whether Jesus and Paul represent fundamentally the same religion or not. Here I continue the discussion by pointing out what seem to me to be the main similarities and differences between them, as I spelled it out in a post several years ago: ***** I have been talking about the relationship of Jesus' proclamation of the coming Kingdom of God to . Revelation 21 Seems To Be After The Millennium Where It Says There Will Be No Pain Or Tears. Salvation sent to Gentiles through Paul: the Apostle of the Gentiles. We see the principle of plurality applied to leadership in the Scriptures, having already shown that God used a plurality of leaders in both the Old Testament and the New. (Peter was notoriously crucified upside down, and Paul was beheaded.) Peter preached holiness, and to remain steadfast unto the coming of Jesus and his kingdom (2 Peter 3:17). We read years later in 2 Timothy 4:11 that Paul wrote: "Only Luke is with me. Look at what happens in the last half of Galatians 2. Pauls writings are inspired, inerrant, and authoritative, but they must be considered in the context of the whole Bible. Even a man like Barnabas was drawn into this disaster. Peter did not have Roman citizenship, while Paul did. As I study how to rightly divide the word of truth these days I come across that there are two gospels - i.e. After his conversion Paul was given revelations from the Lord Jesus Christ; Paul did not learn from any man including the twelve Apostles (Galatians 1:12). And in so doing, Peter functionally denied the very gospel by which he and every other Jew was saved. 19 So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of Gods household, 20 having been built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the corner [stone], 21 in whom the whole building, being fitted together is growing into a holy temple in the Lord; 22 in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit (Ephesians 2:11-22). The Spirit of God spoke to and through the leaders of the church at Antioch, and Barnabas and Paul were sent out (Acts 13:1-4). This particular lesson focuses on Peters endorsement of Paul and his epistles. Along with EpicPew, Justin has written for Aleteia, Ave Maria Press, Catholic Exchange, Catholic365, the journal Church Life, Our Sunday Visitor, and various other publications. Peter is to Paul in Acts what John the Baptist is to Jesus in the Gospels. There are dozens of reasons it is important to know the difference of Peter and Paul's ministries. Salvation and the law; justification by faith in Jesus as the Messiah accompanied by necessary works. Peter taught the gospel of the kingdom (Luke 9:2Luke 9:62 Peter 1:11). Peter was not perfect though; he actually made tons of mistakes. While I am no expert in the study of Catholicism, my understanding is that no Catholic leader would dare say the pope is sinless and his every word inerrant and authoritative. Paul and works: Paul taught salvation without works (Titus 3:5 Romans 4:6 Ephesians 2:8-9). So much for those who preach or hold to a different gospel, but what of the apostles in Jerusalem? (Acts 15:2 KJV). Often a leader who has been given singular power will fall into error and sin, for he is also often considered above and beyond rebuke. Powered by Invision Community. for th, What Gentiles believed the preaching of Peter? )they insisted that Gentile converts be circumcised (Acts 15:1, 5).77 The process by which the decision of the so-called Jerusalem Council was reached included the entire congregation (15:22). Their ancient cities are still standing Peter was from Galilee, in modern-day Israel. Conversely, Peter does not just preach to Jews in Acts. Peter and Paul did not preach the same gospel messages. The salvation of many Gentiles brought about a problem so serious that the Jewish leaders of the Jerusalem church, which included both the apostles and the elders, could not ignore it. Peter had walked on water! Here Jesus words in Matthew 23:1-3 come into focus, and here Pauls obedience to the council given him in Acts 21 makes sense. Those who believed their gospels are in Christ. Paul is (or should be) our beloved brother. Peter and Paul did not preach the same gospel messages. Israel would be a light for salvation unto the Gentile nations that would enter the kingdom (Isaiah 60:3). Peter, on the other hand, is regarded as the apostle to the Jews, or more accurately, the apostle to the circumcised (2:7). Noah Perez 54 Followers I am a Catholic author who writes apologetical, Biblical, and Spiritual articles. Paul taught salvation to all freely by faith in Christ apart from the covenants of Israel, and apart from keeping the law (Romans 9:4Romans 3:28Galatians 2:19). We see this issue in Acts 15. Peter and Paul had both been great sinners. It was Paul who was ordained to write the clearest definition of the gospel in the Word of God, as found in the Book of Romans. "to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery" Ephesians 3:9, Learn Mid-Acts Dispensational Right Division. This award-winning biography explores cultural differences with eloquence and sensitivity. Paul was Gods divine provision to offset the prejudices and even the sins of the other apostles. In which traditions are Peter & Paul executed on the sameday of the sameyear? Peter and Paul did not preach the same gospel messages. Peter and the other disciples were Galileans who naturally tended toward provincialism. At the end of their first missionary journey while Paul and Barnabas were in Antioch, some Jews came down from Judea insisting the only way a Gentile could be saved was to convert to Judaism, as well as to trust in Christ. Galatians 2:4) is not altogether clear. Peter's gospel: Peter preached remission of sins in the name of Jesus (Acts 10:43). Its existence would take much of the pleasure out of my sin, because I would know that someday I will have to pay the price. How dare Peter preach to the Gentiles and share salvation with them! Peter (see #1) was fishing at the time, while Paul was on his way to Damascus to continue persecuting Christians. Did Paul and Peter preach the same gospel? They would, however, say some statements have full divine authority. They were less than zealous to initiate the preaching of the gospel to Gentileseven after they acknowledged Gods purpose was to save the Gentiles, and even after the Lords commission to do so (see Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8). 3:6-9 ). The Jews had forgotten they were stewards of the gospel of Gods gracenot its owners. Paul noted that Peter used to eat with the Gentiles, but when Jews came he . He had spent three years with Jesus. The Apostles arethe body of Christ!!!! Paul Preached to Jews Paul's thoughts have left their mark on Christianity, but it is Peter's personality that has moved Christian hearts. My wife is completely clear, and I am totally stubborn. Luke records in Acts 9 the salvation of a prominent Hellenistic Jew named Saul. Peter's gospel faded away as Israel was diminished and is not the gospel that is preached today. Saint Peter, Martyr, pray for us! This item: Paul Vs Peter (Or Remarks on Galatians 1 & 2) by William R. Newell Paperback. Acts 15:12), and one by James (cf. The seven were chosen and appointed to oversee the care of the widows so the apostles could pray and preach the word. In Acts 2, filled with the Spirit, Peter stepped forward to preach the sermon at Pentecost (2:14f.). Pauls writings are completely consistent with the Old Testament Scriptures and with the New Testament Scriptures, but Paul was also privileged to reveal things which were not clear until this point in time. Passion of the Apostles Peter and Paul 5. 1) What is the difference between believing and faith? The apostles understood their primary calling to be prayer and the ministry of the word (6:4). Consider the following ways Peters reference here to Paul applies to the church and to individual saints. from the Universidad de Salamanca (Spain), and an M.A. Peter was primarily the Apostle to Israel (Galatians 2:8). We often find it impossible to understand those things we do not like or do not want to acknowledge as true. (3) Since Paul is an apostle, his epistles are the inspired Word of God. 14 For He Himself is our peace, who made both [groups into] one, and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall, 15 by abolishing in His flesh the enmity, [which is] the Law of commandments [contained] in ordinances, that in Himself He might make the two into one new man, [thus] establishing peace, 16 and might reconcile them both in one body to God through the cross, by it having put to death the enmity. Paul preaches the gospel by which we are saved today. Our contention is that the Peter of the gospels is the author of both 1 and 2 Peter. And yet peter was even sent to Cornelius a gentile and this is where its first recorded that the gentiles received the gospel . Not only is the recognition of a certain work of Scripture a matter for a plurality, but its interpretation also calls for plurality. Peter and works: Peter preached works as necessary for salvation in order to enter the kingdom (Acts 10:351 Peter 1:151 Peter 2:92 Peter 1:10-11). Paul used to be a Pharisee. When the church at Antioch was born, the church in Jerusalem sent Barnabas to minister to these new believers (11:22). Our friendship began with a shopping trip to buy a pair of shoes while he was on furlough. "They constrain you to be circumcised," Paul wrote (Galatians 6:12). ). The first is the Acts of the Apostles, written after Paul's death, almost certainly by the same author who wrote St Luke's gospel . Peter, James, John, Jesus in His earthly ministry, and all the other apostles of Israel do not use the term "the Church the Body of Christ." And the standard they set was to be circumcised as a symbol of their commitment to keep the Law. Acts 15:7-11), one by Paul and Barnabas that was not recorded (cf. Copyright 1999-2022 Worthy Christian Forums - A division of Worthy Ministries. the statement, the premise, is false, and is contrary to all Scripture as revealed by Yahuweh through Yahushua. Peter and works: Peter preached works as necessary for salvation in order to enter the kingdom (Acts 10:35 1 Peter 1:15 1 Peter 2:9 2 Peter 1:10-11). Peter dominates the gospel stories, and Paul, who converts to Christianity much later, dominates the rest of the New Testament with his prolific letter writing. Peter, the rock, the disciple who was one of the three disciples most intimately associated with the Master, the one who preached the gospel so clearly and forcefully to the Jews at Pentecost and who also preached to the Gentiles at the home of Cornelius, now denies that very gospel. Get document Get an original paper. The gospel is this - Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and rose from the dead. Peter preached about the God of all grace revealing his grace through a Savior (1 Pet. But they are also a reminder of the depth of our relationship which has developed over the years. Paul was the perfect counterpart to Peter and the other apostles. We will seek to show that the Peter of the Gospels, and even the Peter of the Book of Acts, would not write the things concerning Paul written in these closing verses of his second epistle. It is most interesting to note who played the dominant role as this decision was reached. Peter could remember Jesus as a teacher and a . No one possesses all the gifts. There are many churches of Saint Peter and Saint Paul in England and throughout Europe. In chapter 2, we are told that the church devoted themselves to the apostles [plural] teaching (verse 42), not the apostles [i.e. Peter, a Jewish fisherman, was called to be a disciple of Jesus at the beginning of Jesus' ministry. Paul and works: Paul taught salvation without works (Titus 3:5Romans 4:6Ephesians 2:8-9). Peter is to Paul in Acts what John the Baptist is to Jesus in the Gospels. by. 13 And the rest of the Jews joined him in hypocrisy, with the result that even Barnabas was carried away by their hypocrisy (Galatians 2:11-13). But when they stood before the church in Jerusalem, they toned down their demands, insisting only that it was necessary to be circumcised and to observe the Law of Moses. If Pauls epistles are distorted by false teachers, it is not his fault. Biblical revelation is both progressive (sequentially revealed over a long period of time) and plural (multiple authors). Paul, however, saw that Peter slipped away from the truth of the Gospel of Christ. Very, very little. Peter's gospel faded away as Israel was diminished, and is not the gospel that is preached today. Where the gospel or other fundamental doctrines are not compromised and Christian morality is not adversely affected, differences over minor areas of truth should not be allowed to divide or undermine Christian unity (see Romans 14; Philippians 3:15; Titus 3:9). Folks , or to be exact, DOUG its time to cease and dissest on this topic . He taught their reward was stored in heaven but not in heaven (1 Peter 1:4). It seems you're reading things into the text. The gospel declares all men to be sinners, under the wrath of God and doomed to eternal punishment. August 20, 2020 in Theology. In the New Testament, spiritual gifts are spiritual abilities (powers) to accomplish vital spiritual tasks in the body of Christ. Lenten Brother Francis for Kids on FORMED. We know the Jerusalem Council decided that keeping the Law was impossible for the Jews and that striving to do the works of the Law could only condemn and not save (Acts 15:10-11). Peter was from Galilee, in modern-day Israel. Peter's Justification: Peter and the other eleven Apostles taught justification unto eternal life by believing on the name of Jesus; by believing Jesus is Christ, the Son of God (Acts 10:43Matthew 16:16Acts 4:12 Acts 2:36John 20:31). Paul's gospel: Paul taught the gospel of the uncircumcision (Galatians 2:7). Paul's feelings about the attack on his authority and the gospel are reflected in his pejorative choice of words to describe the situation in Galatia. A rift develops between these two factions of Judaism in Acts 6 due to the perception at least that the Hellenistic Jewish widows were getting second-class treatment compared to the native Hebrew widows (Acts 6:1). When the church in Jerusalem sent Barnabas to minister to these new (! For our sins, was buried, and is contrary to all Scripture as revealed by Yahuweh through.! Take some folks to realize, they took Titus with them to enter the kingdom ( Isaiah 60:3.! 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