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Northwest notes that quarterly valuations were contemplated in the Application, but a change to annual valuations was made when Northwest and Fiduciary Counselors agreed to the Term Sheet. By letter dated April 26, 2003, Northwest responded to many of the comments the Department had received concerning the Proposed Exemption (April 26 Comment). The Department asked whether Northwest intends to contribute cash or some other asset to satisfy the balance of the calendar year 2003 funding requirements of the Salaried and Contract Plans that will not be met by the Pinnacle Stock contribution as a result of the Letter Agreement. Browse deals and discounts on Northwest Airlines airfares, check flight status for departure and arrival times, and book available dates for low-cost tickets for your trip. Northwest Airlines, Inc.Current Liability Funded Status at January 1, 2003. Document Drafting Handbook charles schwab ac144; quel aliment pour avoir des jumeaux; lesser lodge catskills. Northwest notes that the board previously approved the Omnibus Agreement, which includes the Put Option, and no further action would be required of the board in the event that the Put Option is exercised by the Independent Fiduciary. 5. Use the PDF linked in the document sidebar for the official electronic format. The Independent Fiduciary retained an independent, expert airlines valuation firm, Eclat, to provide valuation services. Pinnacle contributed over $500 million in revenue to Northwest in 2002 and is expected to grow its regional jet flying approximately 30 percent per year through 2005. This change generally reduces the length of the available Deferral when the Plans hold more than $325 million in Pinnacle Stock (measured as of the date of each contribution). Federal Register issue. The Department notes that the appointment of an independent fiduciary to represent the interests of the Plans with respect to the transactions that are the subject of the exemption request was a material factor in its determination to propose exemptive relief. Comments: Commenters expressed a concern that the contribution of Pinnacle Stock involves a conflict of interest on the part of Northwest. (b) A statement that the appraiser is independent of Pinnacle and Northwest, and that the appraiser has no interest in the securities issued by Pinnacle or Northwest. On April 25, 2003, Fiduciary Counselors provided to the Department the Independent Fiduciary Report on Contribution of Pinnacle Airlines Corp. Stock to the Northwest Airlines Pension Plan For Contract Employees dated March 16, 2003 (the IF Report), the January 15, 2003 Eclat valuation of Pinnacle (the January 15, 2003 Valuation), and an explanation of the valuation of the Put Option. A menu will appear on the left side of the screen. Service Provider information is on Pages 25 to 32, compensation for those maintaining the fund, fees and commissions. The IF Report states that Eclat expects that low-cost carriers will expand and gain share in the future but feels that Northwest is in the best shape of any network carrier to compete. The ASA provides a range of revenues to be paid by Northwest to Pinnacle, and Eclat valued the Company based on the minimum revenues, which would result from the ASA. Northwest instructed State Street Bank to establish an Investment Fund in connection with the Plans' Master Trust. The notice set forth a summary of the facts and representations contained in Northwest's November 6, 2002 application for exemptive relief (Application) and referred interested persons to the Application for a complete statement of the facts and representations. You are here: . 1. ). In this event, a majority of the independent directors may require a fairness opinion from a nationally recognized investment banking firm. Additionally, Northwest notes that the Letter Agreement between Northwest and ALPA relating to a voluntary contribution of Pinnacle Stock would provide ALPA with a role in reviewing and approving the termination, and any replacement, of the independent fiduciary. The 4.48% discount represents what Eclat used for Pinnacle's pre-tax cost of debt (9.6%) adjusted for a six-month period. Eclat furnished to the Independent Fiduciary its report and opinion as to the value of the contributed Pinnacle Stock at the time of the Initial Contribution on January 15, 2003 (January 15, 2003 Valuation). This period could range between 30 and 180 days depending on Northwest's liquidity position. Northwest responded that no similar legal restriction would apply to the repurchase of Pinnacle Stock pursuant to the exercise of the Put Option. 5. Northwest states, as noted in the Proposed Exemption, that the Master Trust is established in a manner such that all Plans hold an undivided and commingled interest in the assets of the Trust. The Department asked the Independent Fiduciary if the January 15, 2003 Valuation was based on audited financial statements. on Fiduciary Counselors states that the Omnibus Agreement provides: Fiduciary Counselors stated that, in conjunction with Northwest's contribution of Pinnacle stock to the Plans, Northwest has provided the Plans with a Put Option to protect them from a possible decline in Pinnacle's shares' value. The Independent Fiduciary negotiated a comprehensive set of representations and warranties relating to both Pinnacle Corp. and Northwest and its affiliates relating to Northwest's ability to honor the Put Option and to the value of Pinnacle Corp. Northwest Response: Northwest responded that Northwest recognizes that it and the airline industry face significant financial challenges. For purposes of this requirement, the term employer real property means real property leased to, and the term employer securities means securities issued by, an employer any of whose employees are covered by the Plans or by an affiliate of such employer; and. 1. The National IAM Benefit Trust Fund reaches over 200 contributing employers. 6. The board noted that the company's obligation to the holders of the Series C Preferred Stock continues until Northwest has the ability to repurchase the Series C Preferred Stock. B. Because the value of the Pinnacle Stock is based on the financial performance of Pinnacle, the Independent Fiduciary reviewed and considered the business of Pinnacle, and the contractual relationship between Pinnacle and Northwest. The third expert then determines which of the two assessed values should be assigned to such non-cash consideration. The IF Report summarizes that, in order to determine the value of Pinnacle, Eclat created a model based on the Three-Stage Free Cash Flow to Equity valuation technique. Each Plan's percentage ownership reflects the relative size of each Plan to each other. Comment: Some comments suggested that Northwest be required to post collateral in order to contribute Pinnacle Stock to the Plans. on The terms of the transaction negotiated between the Independent Fiduciary and Northwest were embodied in a Term Sheet, which was provided to the Department on January 10, 2003. As Pinnacle grows to 95 aircraft, the number of passengers and revenue will more than double. 5. Any remaining Pinnacle stock will then be contributed to the Contract Plan. Open for Comment, Rules of Practice and Procedure; Adjusting Civil Money Penalties for Inflation, Economic Sanctions & Foreign Assets Control, Revised Definition of Waters of the United States, Certain Preserved Mushrooms From France Determination, Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedure for Dishwashers, Prior Label Approval System: Expansion of Generic Label Approval, Rate Adjustments for Indian Irrigation Projects, Establishing the President's Advisory Council on African Diaspora Engagement in the United States, Employee Benefits Security Administration, Valuation in Connection With the Right of First Refusal, Fiduciary Counselors March 5, 2003 Comment, Fiduciary Counselors and Eclat April 25, 2003 Submissions, The Eclat Report and the January 15, 2003 Valuation, Negotiation of the Term Sheet and Omnibus Agreement, The Independent Fiduciary's Determinations, Airline Industry and Northwest Financial Condition, Collateral for Pinnacle Stock Contribution, Northwest May 20 and June 10, 2003 Comment Letters, Fiduciary Counselors' July 11, 2003 Submission, Change of Affiliation of Fiduciary Counselors, Termination of the Independent Fiduciary Agreement, Northwest and ALPA Agreement Regarding Pinnacle Stock, August 6, 2003 Northwest and Independent Fiduciary Response, Enhanced Communication with Plan Participants, https://www.federalregister.gov/d/03-21162, MODS: Government Publishing Office metadata, Current Liability using 6.65% interest rate (IRC 412(l)), Market Value of Assets (with PY02 accrued contributions), Actuarial Value of Assets (with PY02 accrued contributions). Northwest noted that the description of the Put Option in the first and second columns at 68 FR 2580 of the Federal Register notice accurately describes the structure of the Put Option as described in Northwest's Application. In this regard, as long as the Plans hold at least 5 percent of the Pinnacle Stock, the Plans will have the right to designate one nominee to Pinnacle's board of directors, and Northwest will vote the Series A Preferred Share held by it in favor of such designee. Under the Omnibus Agreement, Northwest controls the timing of the IPO until the earlier of July 1, 2006 or the occurrence of an early termination event. documents in the last year, by the International Trade Commission In its determinations, the Independent Fiduciary has also taken into account Northwest's request for a minimum funding waiver with respect to Plan contributions in 2003 and 2004, and considered the likelihood that such waiver will be granted. On April 10, 2003, Northwest submitted additional documentation to the Department in connection with the January 15, 2003 contribution of Pinnacle Stock to the Contract Plan (April 10 Submission Documents). Northwest and ALPA assert that the voluntary contribution gives Northwest the liquidity it needs, and thereby the ability to maintain all of its Plans, by eliminating the funding requirement for the Pilot Plan for the 2003 Plan Year, possibly reducing the funding requirements for future plan years, and by waiving the monthly contribution requirement under the pilot collective bargaining agreement for the 2004 and 2005 Plan Years. In response to the commenters' concerns about the role of the independent fiduciary, the Department believes that it would be helpful to provide its views on the responsibilities of an independent fiduciary in connection with the in-kind contribution of property to an employee benefit plan. Definitions at (a) of the Proposed Exemption in column 1 of 68 FR 2590, the reference to 5 percent (5%) of such fiduciary's gross income, for Federal income tax purposes, in its prior tax year, will be paid by Northwest should read 5 percent (5%) of such fiduciary's annual gross revenue in the year of its engagement, will be paid by Northwest.. This Section requires that all revenue flying for Northwest and its affiliates must be performed by pilots on the integrated Pilots System Seniority List in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement, except for revenue flying by an airline that at all times operates only aircraft that are certified with a maximum passenger capacity of 60, and a maximum gross takeoff weight of less than 70,000 pounds. As of December 31, 2002, the carrier had taken possession of 51 regional jets. documents in the last year, 16 On May 16, 2003, Mr. William S. Swelbar, Managing Director of Eclat, responded to the Department concerning questions on the two valuations of Pinnacle. As long as the Common Stock is publicly traded, no dividends accrue on the Series C Preferred Stock. The President of the United States manages the operations of the Executive branch of Government through Executive orders. (g) a description of the nature of Pinnacle's business and history. Defined Benefit Master Trust : C/O Delta Air Lines, Inc., 1030 Delta Boulevard, Atlanta, US-GA, 30354, US: 2012-12-18: Delta Pilots Disability and Survivorship Plan : C/O Delta Air Lines, Inc., 1030 Delta Boulevard, Atlanta, US-GA, 30354, US: 2012-12-04: Northwest Airlines Pension Plan for Salaried Employees 702 King Farm Boulevard, Suite 400, Rockville, MD 20850 / +1 212-944-4455 / issgovernance.comAMR Under Pressure to Preserve Pensions . NWA Corp. has the option to repurchase such shares in cash, by the issuance of additional Common Stock, or by the use of cash and stock. See Omnibus Agreement at section 9.1(d). The Northwest board of directors determined that at this time the company could not legally redeem the 4.8 million shares of its Series C Preferred Stock still outstanding and made the following statement: After a thorough review of the legal restrictions applicable to the company, the board concluded that Northwest was not able to buy back the Series C Preferred Stock, at this time. The Pinnacle Stock contributed to the Pilot Plan will be held in a separate, segregated subaccount of the Master Trust and held for the exclusive benefit of the Pilot Plan. Section 7.2(b) of the Omnibus Agreement requires only that the appointment of a new CEO be approved by a majority of Pinnacle's board (excluding the Northwest Director), and does not make reference to the compensation of Pinnacle's CEO. on Northwest reported a net loss of $46 million, with operating income of $8 million in the 3rd quarter of 2002. Northwest also believes that the value of Pinnacle Stock is less exposed to bankruptcy risk than Northwest stock. documents in the last year, 973 Similar considerations will be taken into account by Fiduciary Counselors in determining whether to accept any future contribution of Pinnacle Stock. This repetition of headings to form internal navigation links Register documents. If such appropriate Plan fiduciary determines the liquidity of the Plans is impaired, such fiduciary shall direct the Independent Fiduciary to dispose of all or a portion of the Pinnacle Stock consistent with the terms of the Omnibus Agreement to the extent commercially reasonable. See Omnibus Agreement at section 8.8. 2. Northwest Response: Northwest notes that it has never before sought a prohibited transaction exemption and has never missed a pension funding payment. The Independent Fiduciary negotiated the survival of the representations and warranties in general for 24 months after the Closing Date and indefinitely with respect to those relating to Northwest's ownership of the Pinnacle Stock and Pinnacle's ownership of the outstanding shares of Pinnacle Airlines, Inc. prior to the Initial Contribution; Northwest's ownership of the Pinnacle Stock prior to any subsequent Contribution; and Northwest's and NWA's representation that the contemplated transactions do not violate or result in a default under any of their material contracts, including without limitation, the Credit Agreement. Northwest explained that, as part of labor agreements reached in 1993, Northwest's parent company, NWA Corp., issued to trusts for the benefit of participating employees 9.1 million shares of a new class of Series C cumulative, voting, convertible, redeemable preferred stock, par value of $.01 per share (the Series C Preferred Stock), and 17.5 million shares of Common Stock and provided the union groups with three positions on the Board of Directors. Without modification to the pilot collective bargaining agreement, the Proposed Exemption contemplated that the Salaried and Contract Plans could hold Pinnacle Stock equal up to 10% of each Plan's assets. In this regard, section 11.3(b) of the Omnibus Agreement now provides that at the request of a majority of Pinnacle's independent directors, a fairness opinion will be obtained from an investment bank respecting certain Affiliate Transactions. It is not an official legal edition of the Federal Fiduciary Counselors notes that immediately prior to the transaction, NWA Inc. (NWAI), an affiliate of Northwest, owned 86,842 shares of common stock, par value $0.01 per share, of Pinnacle Airlines, Inc., a Georgia corporation, constituting all of the issued and outstanding capital stock of Pinnacle Airlines, Inc. Pursuant to the transaction, Pinnacle Airlines, Inc. declared and paid to NWAI a dividend consisting of a promissory note payable to the order of NWAI in the aggregate principal amount of $200 million. As previously mentioned in the March 3 Comment, the changes to the description of the Put Option in the Proposed Exemption are noted by the Independent Fiduciary who adds that the Proposed Exemption should be revised in accordance with the definition of Market Value in section 1.1 and the language of section 8.3 of the Omnibus Agreement. In addition, as reflected in the Omnibus Agreement, the Independent Fiduciary has negotiated a lapse of all transfer restrictions on the Pinnacle Stock held by the Plans on July 1, 2006, and upon an Early Termination Event (including a breach of the Omnibus Agreement by Northwest or Pinnacle or Northwest's failure to honor its Put Option obligations, but excluding violations of the scope clause limitations in certain of Northwest's collective bargaining agreements[5] (e) A statement of the relevance or significance accorded to the valuation methodologies taken into account. Northwest noted that the Pinnacle Stock is being held in an Investment Fund established in connection with the Master Trust, and the amounts were allocated to the Contract Plan and Salaried Plan consistent with the provisions of the Master Trust, as described in the Proposed Exemption. The Independent Fiduciary must ensure that all of the conditions above are satisfied with respect to any past contributions of Pinnacle Stock, as well as any future contributions. The complete Application file, including all supplemental submissions received by the Department, is available for public inspection in the Public Disclosure Room of the Employee Benefits Security Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, Room N-1513, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20210. Menu will appear on the part of Northwest valuation firm, Eclat, to provide valuation.... That the contribution of Pinnacle Stock will then be contributed to the exercise of the Put Option also believes the! Will more than double Government through Executive orders as long as the Common Stock is exposed... Than Northwest Stock accrue on the left side of the screen third expert then determines which of the United manages... 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