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Did Frodo ever talk to Legolas? During the fighting Legolas notices Aragorn struggling to fight an armoured troll and immediately rushes to his aid. His best friend is his gardener, Samwise Gamgee. The idea, of course, is that Legolas slowly forms a close and permanent bond with Gimli over the course of the trilogy, and learns that Dwarves arent as bad as hes come to believe. ', Legolas stirred in his boat. The Dead are following. Before long Pippin accidentally sends a rotting carcass into the depths of the mines, which alerts a whole army of Goblins. While certainly funny moments, they don't exactly make sense for the character. ', 'And perhaps that was the way of it,' said Frodo. What did the Hobbits call the story we know as The Lord of the Rings? When most of the Fellowship are fighting the troll, Legolas sees an opportunity when Pippin stabs it in the head, causing the troll to roar. Try and prove us wrong. There seems to be nothing that this Elf Prince can't do, and that's why many people love him (that and he's played by Orlando Bloom in the films). His horse, Arod, refused to enter the paths, but Legolas calmed him. Sam's "I don't mean to" Speech There are many emotional moments between these two in the series, and one of the most notable happens at the end of The Fellowship of the Ring. InThe Hobbit, he did run out of arrows once, so at least there's a sense of self-awareness that Peter Jackson used in that trilogy. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. And the golden bells are shaken of mallos and alfirin Legolas barely spoke to anyone other than Gimli except to deliver exposition. The Origins of Tolkien's Middle-earth for Dummies, The History of Eriol or lfwine and the End of the Tales, The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth, The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II, LEGO The Lord of the Rings: The Video Game, The Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game, The Fellowship of the Ring (film) characters, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Characters, The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies Characters, Characters that have appeared in the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings, (Dong-kyun Yoo)(The Fellowship of the Ring)/(Yeong-jae Pyo)(The Two Towers & The Return of the King). Legolas and Tauriel reaches the gate with the support of the Silvan Guard and the Elf Rangers and they attack the Orcs. Legolas later watches from above as Tauriel talks with Kli the Dwarf. In the shade of the trees, Legolas is intrigued by the forest, yet he is also wary as he knows that the trees are alive. At the beginning ofReturn of the King, the heroes went to Isengard to interrogate Saruman. Did Frodo ever talk to Legolas? [4], Gimli quarreled with him in Moria (which was not unexpected considering the ancient quarrel between Elves and Dwarves) - Legolas' father Thranduil had once imprisoned Gimli's father, Glin. The Watcher climbs up and breaks apart the stone, which traps the Fellowship within the mines. After Aragorn and Boromir free Frodo, Boromir yells Legolas' name and he shoots an arrow into the beast's eye, holding it back to give them time to run into the mine. Ready to see the One Ring destroyed and Aragorn on top of the throne of Minas Tirith, he was willing to give his life for the cause. Legolas famously used an Elven bow, as well as a long, white knife. Its also unclear exactly how old Legolas is. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? 7 He Only Speaks To Frodo Once In fact, the two of them only spoke once in the entirety of Peter Jackson's trilogy. For the Elf of Gondolin, see, Legolas' dual long knives that were used in the films (One in the books), A close-up on Legolas from Empire Magazine. A researcher from Oxford University Stuart Lee recently reported that the lost scripts for a BBC dramatisation of The Lord of the Rings had been discovered and it is the only official adaptation that was planned during his lifetime. We have heard tell that Legolas took Gimli Glin's son with him because of their great friendship, greater than any that has been between Elf and Dwarf. Haldir and an army of Lothlrien Elves arrive to aid the King, sent by Galadriel and Elrond. Yet beneath the Sun all things must wear to an end at last. Legolas may have known they were coming, but theres no way he could have known what they were. He asks what they will do and also warns Bard of the Gundabad Orcs he fears will come now that the mountain was no longer guarded by a dragon. As war looms and the race to secure the Ring quickens, the enemy's reach extends ever closer. Legolas doesn't even read the elvish on the door to Moira. Bilbo helps the Dwarves escape in barrels that are on their way to Lake-town, but Legolas is alerted and tells Feren to get the gate closed. After a pause he adds that his mother died in Angmar and that his father barely talks about her. Still, it does suggest that Bloom is not the most focused or trained actor on the set. For more information, please see our Legolas and Frodo are on the same side, but it doesn't seem as though they were all that friendly with one another. The group took cover immediately while the birds passed by. Battles are rarely as interesting to watch as they are on screen, and theres a reason that elaborate fight choreography is so important to the action genre. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Some of these confusing qualities come straight from Tolkiens novels, while others were invented for the screen adaptation. Had The Hobbit been written after The Lord of the Rings, the Dwarves of Erebor probably would've crossed paths with the Elf Prince. Gimli became the first and only Dwarf to sail to the Undying Lands. Their introduction was brief and overwhelmed by the daunting task at hand, so while Frodo may have once known his name, it's possible that it slipped his mind amid saving all of Middle-earth. `The power of the Lady is on it. Anyone with any basic understanding of gravity will also be able to tell you that those blocks would fall as quickly as Legolas himself, and so it would be impossible for him to use them to run. He's not a big character. There is talk of how she loved Legolas, but there was never any exploration as to why that was important or that she had any effect on him. Tolkien was a great world-builder, among his many other achievements. Does Frodo ever talk to Legolas? In The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, Orlando Bloom returns to the role of Legolas. He could walk silently on grass and snow leaving minimal footprints, allowing him to advance unhindered. He continues to kill the Hunter Orcs as he goes, jumping from one side of the creek to the other, using the Dwarves' heads as stepping stones. Aragon- You have my sword. He carries around a bow and arrow as well as twin daggers that help him to hunt down orcs, goblins, and trolls with extreme prejudice. Thats why its ultimately pretty confusing that Legolas isnt given the same kind of concrete backstory as many of the other characters. Eventually however Legolas and the others are forced to retreat. You are using an out of date browser. In fact, when Frodo greets everyone, he seems to have no recollection who Legolas is. All he had to do is stand on a roof, wait for Smaug to fly by, and launch that arrow. character who wanders around the game fighting enemies. Cant you just be acquaintances in the pursuit of saving the world? Legolass skills are great, theres no denying that. Legolas probably should have talked to Frodo more, but he ultimately succeeded at ensuring Frodos success, and thats what matters most. Gandalf can read it, was he supposed to shove him out of the way and read it before him? If thou hearest the cry of the gull on the shore, Thy heart shall then rest in the forest no more.. The Elven lady later gives gifts to the Fellowship. When the Uruks begin to throw up more siege ladders, the Elf manages to buy some time by shooting the ropes, causing one of them to topple over and flatten the Uruks. And Legolas does nothing and is lame when he easily could have done /something/. asked Legolas. Galadriel must have been trying to tell Legolas something, but if thats the case, he didnt get the message. That said, Legolas was in the area around the same time. Legolas is one of the most-loved characters in The Lord of the Rings, but he does a lot of things that don't make sense. He could even sleep while walking, which contributed to allowing him to travel 45 leagues in less than four days with Aragorn and Gimli. However, a closer examination of Legolas Greenleaf reveals that his character doesn't make a lot of sense. You don't need to be friends with your co-workers to have mutual respect or to work well together. Invented by J. R. R. Tolkien, Legolas means "green leaves" in Sindarin, the language of the elves in Middle-earth. He was a skilled archer and a great companion for both Aragorn and Gimli. Tall grows the grass there. For the Elves the world moves, and it moves both very swift and very slow.Legolas, speaking to Frodo in The Fellowship of the Ring, "The Great River". And that's saying a lot.' Frodo: [continue walking] You've left out one of the chief characters - Samwise the Brave. Although Legolas and Gimli are supposed to begin their story together as enemies, its quite clear that Legolas harbors no large amount of ill will for him, or for any other Dwarf. Nay, time does not tarry ever, but change and growth is not in all things and places alike. Or are you also asking if there are any additional examples in the movies? He soon returns back to Minas Tirith for the wedding of Aragorn and Arwen, after which he continues the exploration of the pass of Cirith Ungol, eventually discovering the entrance to Shelob's Lair. They only really have a chance to speak to each other in the second half of The Fellowship of the Ring, and they never do. He even climbs onto the troll and fires an arrow into its skull. Legolas then steps aside to reveal Arwen, whereupon Aragorn finally marries her. He breaks her bow and threatensto kill her but Legolas pushes his blade away, stepping up from behind him. Legolas decides he can't stay in Mirkwood after defying his father and Thranduil recommends he go to the Rangers of the North to look for the Dnedain, where he will find a young man who goes by the name of "Strider" and that Legolas must discover his true name for himself. It looks like he's forgotten his name. Its possible, of course, that Legolas is so preternaturally gifted that hes the only character in the series whos aware that hes in a movie. I see shapes of Men and of horses, and pale banners like shreds of cloud, and spears like winter-thickets on a misty night. Bolg leads him to a Warg pack and the Orcs bear the sign of Gundabad which concerns Legolas greatly. The Elf later reconciles with Aragorn before the battle. Vanishing of a product of cyclotomic polynomials in characteristic 2. The problem is thatThe Hobbittook place decades beforeThe Lord of the Rings. Does Legolas really talk to the other hobbits? Did J.R.R. Legolas then bows before Frodo, Sam, Pippin and Merry with everybody else present to thank them for everything they did. But I guess that's why everyone let him die to the balrog. Gandalf quickly covers it with a cloth. When the Uruk-hai arrive and start uttering war cries, Gimli frantically asks what is going on. Using a Counter to Select Range, Delete, and Shift Row Up, Books in which disembodied brains in blue fluid try to enslave humanity. On the way to Helm's Deep, the company are attacked by Warg-riders. Legolas is overwhelmed to see his return. Some of the more perceptive viewers of the Middle-earth movies have been quick to point out that Legolas's eyes change color throughout the movies. At Edoras, Legolas and the others are forced to disarm before seeing the King, although Gandalf manages to get his staff through. And Legolas does nothing and is lame when he easily could have done /something/. I totally see where you are coming from.Yet, I doubt you've read the book,for in the book Legolas and Frodo have quite a few conversations. During a brief rest, Legolas is the first to spot a flock of Crebain heading their way. There isn't really a role for Legolas to fill in relationship to Frodo. When the council was choosing the "Nine Walkers" to pit against the "Nine Riders," Legolas volunteered to represent the Elves, and to become one of the members of the Fellowship that would set out to destroy the One Ring. Cookie Notice Legolas and Bolg have a rematch on the stone bridges, Legolas using Orcrist until he notices Thorin cornered on the ice above. It only takes a minute to sign up. Afterwards Gandalf takes them through the pass of Caradhras but the Fellowship is waylaid by a snowstorm while passing over the mountains. [29] However, this character had no further development in the Legendarium and is unrelated to the Legolas of the Fellowship of the Ring. In the entire film trilogy, Legolas never takes a hit. and then they never talked again. Legolas was only there to shoot orcs, not to make friends. Well,Richard,I was only using a bit of knowledge from my brain!Hahaha! She gave me three". Even Gandalf, who took on the Balrog, may not have been capable of taking down an Oliphaunt all by himself. What did Legolas do after LOTR? At Dunharrow, Legolas and Gimli notice that the men and horses are uneasy under the shadow of the mountain. [5], He and Gimli became friends, however, when Gimli greeted the Elf, Lady Galadriel, with gentle words. In The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies, in the wake of the destruction of Esgaroth from the flames of Smaug and the death of the dragon by the Black Arrow fired by Bard, Legolas returnes to the refugee camp and finds Tauriel. Please contact the developer of this form processor to improve this message. Later, he and Gimli travelled together to Helm's Deep, visiting the Glittering Caves, and then traveled through Fangorn Forest. In the green fields of Lebennin, Aragorn already has a friendship through hardship with Frodo, Gimli has a built in connection through his father and Bilbo, Gandalf adds the wise old man bit along with an established friendship, the other hobbits have established relationships, and Boromir is there as semi-antagonist. Gimli inquires about the road leading into the mountain, which Legolas identifies as the road to the Dimholt. Yet, Legolas managed to make the impossible possible. He tamed unruly horses with only a few words, without needing reins or saddles. The moment that knife hit Saruman, he was dead. Still, the movie went out of its way to show the place sheperishedand explain that she had no grave. At the Black Gate, Legolas and Gimli acknowledge their friendship before the battle begins. This is surprising, considering the prejudices that Elves tend to have against these miners. 'I cannot sing any more,' he said. It's a bit of a jarring transition. The movies made him a bigger character. Since they did not leave until Aragorn's passing, which takes place 59 years after . The passing seasons are but ripples ever repeated in the long long stream. Shall I describe it to you? 13 The Easterlings Remained A Threat (For Some Time) via:councilofelrond.com Even if he was able to discern horsemen from 24 kilometers away, as he does in the film, its unlikely that he would be able to grasp the level of detail that he provides to Aragorn and Gimli about them. Jacksons adaptation of Tolkiens novels is widely regarded as one of the best examples of how books can be transformed as they come to life on the big screen. Of those nine companions, there is one who seems to be stronger in the rest (no, it's not Gandalf). What makes this more confusing is that there was never any need for Legolas to leave Mirkwood. The Deeping Wall is blasted to pieces, although Legolas survives unharmed. Legolas in particular despairs that they will all die, prompting Aragorn to say "Then I shall die as one of them!". Well (in the books) there's also the time in Lothlrien after they cross the river of Nimrodel. Legolas happens to be one of the strongest members of the Fellowship of the Ring. Why didn't the Fellowship use horses for transportation? When Frodo is suddenly attacked by the Watcher in the Water from the lake outside, Legolas notices that the watcher is searching for the Ring, so he shoots an arrow through one of its tentacles. In Fangorn Forest, Legolas, Aragorn, and Gimli were reunited with Gandalf, now called Gandalf the White. Transporting School Children / Bigger Cargo Bikes or Trailers, Card trick: guessing the suit if you see the remaining three cards (important is that you can't move or turn the cards). 'Do you head the voice of Nimrodel?' Legolas also spots an Uruk berserker with a bomb and attempts to shoot him down, but the Uruk simply hurls himself into the hole in the wall. How can I translate the names of the Proto-Indo-European gods and goddesses into Latin? That would have been great, let's be honest. When Gimli nearly falls off the edge, Legolas swiftly grabs him by the beard and hauls him back. There has been a lot of discussion about the fantasy works of J.R.R. The only sentence Legolas directly says to Frodo is 'And my bow,'. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, Vol. In fact, theres only one line that Legolas says to Frodo: And you have my bow.. Its not so blatant or so frequent that it ruins the experience of watching the films. Legolas has some fairly gorgeous hair. Legolas then steps aside to reveal Arwen, whereupon Aragorn finally marries her. He sounds, looks, and acts much older than he does in The Lord of the Rings. Gimli might find himself short a few friends when he arrives. [6] While the Fellowship was travelling over the River Anduin, he used his new bow to shoot an overhead Nazgl on a Fellbeast with one masterful shot in the dark. Perhaps this mystery is intentional, although that would mean that it is ultimately unresolved, which isnt really all that satisfying. Not only does this defy every law of physics and biology in existence, it also seems incredibly convenient. I'd like to point out that at the very end of the movie, When Frodo is lying in bed and everyone comes in to see him Sam, Mary, pippin etc, although there is no actual sound, you can see Frodo say the names of all of them, apart from Legolas. Eventually Gandalf leads the company to Balin's Tomb, where he discovered the Book of Mazarbul. The Fellowship of the Ring was formed with Frodo Baggins at the center. Legolas inquires as to what her gift was for him, to which Gimli confesses "I asked for one hair from her golden head. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. One of Legolas's defining traits inThe Lord of the Ringswas that he had some bright baby blue eyes that the camera loved focus on- except for those times when his eyes were brown instead. As Legolas leaves, Thranduil calls after him that his mother loved him. In The Hobbit films, on the other hand, Legolas feels like a forced reminder of the trilogy that you used to love. He rides down the stairs on an Uruk shield while shooting arrows at the same time. I want to hear more about Sam. Letter of recommendation contains wrong name of journal, how will this hurt my application? The message is delivered by Gandalf after Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas discover him in Fangorn Forest: Legolas Greenleaf, long under tree, In joy thou hast lived. 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