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But I have some such here. Conscience is often an inner light to men, whereby they are warned of forbidden acts as being sinful. Sinning in Ignorance Conscience, guilt, and the truth People sometimes do what is sin, without realising it is sin. But the man guilty of presumptuous sin, because he hath despised the word of the LORD, and hath broken the commandment (v.31), shall have his soul cut off from among the people (v.30). But he may also have a temperament which has this benefit to balance it, that he very soon learns to forgive, and cools in a moment. ( Ps 19:13 ) 1. I would not give the snap of this my finger to gratify you with mere words of oratory, with a mere flow of language. 1. 4. And O! How many kinds of sins are there? Notice that both are still sins. If God Is Sovereign, Do I Make a Difference? Now, every man sees that it would be just to make a distinction in the punishment, because there isconscience itself tells usa distinction in the guilt. You may conceive the poor man's misery. Presumptuous Sins and Sins of Ignorance W. Binnie Numbers 15:22-31 And if you have erred, and not observed all these commandments, which the LORD has spoken to Moses, Some sins are more heinous in the sight of God than others; more heinous in their own nature, or by reason of aggravating circumstances. 27155 I thought when I was describing presumptuous sin that I saw here and there an eye that was suffused with tears; I thought I saw here and there a head that was bowed down, as much as to say, I am guilty there. I thought there were some hearts that palpitated with confession, when I described the guilt of presumption. All Rights Reserved, Ignorance, Unteachableness, Obstinacy and Carelessness Cannot be Conquered any Otherwise than by the Spirit of God, Monergism eBooks on Amazon in Kindle Format, Do Not Despise the Day of Small Beginnings, 14 Ways that God is Far More Excellent than Men, Those in Bondage to Sin are Still Duty Bound to Obey God. Predestination 2. Now, such a sin has in it a great extent of sinfulness, it is a sin of high presumption. The law that was given to the children of Israel by Moses made a clear distinction between sins of ignorance (v.24, 27) and sins that were committed presumptuously (v.30). It is a very great relief to shed tears; it gives a vent , Sin Subdued I think such things, if not murders, are murderous. to There is suicide in men risking themselves in that way; and if there be suicide in the risk of the body, how much more in the case of a man who puts his own soul in jeopardy just because he thinks he has strength of mind enough to prevent its being ruined and destroyed. Thou art not so. When a man shall trespass on my ground, he shall be a trespasser though he have no warning, but if straight before his face there stands a warning, and if he knowingly and willingly trespasses, then he is guilty of a presumptuous trespass, and is to be so far punished accordingly. But you men have conscience, which tells you that your sins are vile, and that they will be your ruin; you bear the crack of sin, as its thin sheet of pleasure gives way beneath your feet; ay, and some of you have seen your comrades sink in the flood, and lost; and yet you go sliding on, worse than childish, worse than mad are you, thus presumptuously to play with your own everlasting state. I remember that striking passage in Jonathan Edwards wonderful sermon, which was the means of a great revival, where he says, Sinner, thou art this moment standing over the mouth of hell, upon a single plank, and that plank is rotten; thou art hanging over the jaws of perdition, by a solitary rope, and the strands of that rope are creaking now. It is a terrible thing to be in such a position as that, and yet to say, to-morrow, and to procrastinate. Now, the reason why he was put to death was not because he gathered sticks on the Sabbath merely, but because the law had just then been proclaimed, "In it thou shalt do no manner of work." O that you who never knew him could taste his love now. Though we have not the freedom of beating our slaves to death, or of shooting them if they choose to disobeythough we have not the freedom of hunting men, or the freedom of sucking another mans blood out of him to make us richthough we have not the freedom of being worse than devils, which slave-catchers and many slave-holders most certainly arewe have liberty greater than that, liberty against the tyrant mob, as well as against the tyrant king. He who plays with fire must be condemned as careless; but he who has been burned out once, and afterward plays with the destroying element, is worse, than careless; and he who has himself been scorched in the flame, and has had his locks all hot and crisp with the burning, if he again should rush headlong into fire, I say he is worse than careless, he is worse than presumptuous, he is mad. A presumptuous sin also is one that is committed through a hardihood of fancied strength of mind. But you men have conscience, which tells you that your sins are vile, and that they will be your ruin; you bear the crack of sin, as its thin sheet of pleasure gives way beneath your feet; ay, and some of you have seen your comrades sink in the flood, and lost; and yet you go sliding on, worse than childish, worse than mad are you, thus presumptuously to play with your own everlasting state. What mean you? say you. A sin that is committed willfully against manifest light and knowledge is a presumptuous sin. presumptuous sins and sins of ignorance presumptuous sins and sins of ignorance We will mark these points one by one. Can You Share the Gospel with Sexual Sinners without Sounding like a Bigot? "Well, but he might come down safe, if he were skilled in it." They do, as it were, water the young seedling of lust until it grows to the maturity of desire, and then they go and commit the crime. A presumptuous sinner rarely escapes without some outward affliction. But suppose another person should waylay you in the street, should week after week seek to meet you in the market-place, and should, after a great deal of toil and trouble, at last meet you, and there, in the center of a number of people, unprovoked, just out of sheer, deliberate malice, come before you and call you a liar in the street; I can suppose that, Christian as you are, you might find it necessary to chastise such insolence, not with your hand, but with the arm of that equitable law which protects us all from insulting violence. But when a man sins for want of knowing betterfor want of knowing the law, for want of instruction, reproof . You turn round and say to some young man, "I could not advise you to frequent the Casinoit would be your ruin." The very moment you were tempted, conscience said, It is wrong, it is wrongit shouted murder in your heart, and told you the deed you were about to commit was abominable in the sight of the Lord. Your fellow-apprentice committed the same sin without the warning of conscience; in him it was guiltguilt which needs to be washed away with the Saviour's blood. But presumptuous sins are defiant, deliberate and premeditated sins, as when David committed adultery with Bathsheba resulting in her . Canst thou yet make mirth, and yet procrastinate? The Lord answered, The man shall surely be put to death (v.35). Unintentional, sometimes referred to as "sins of ignorance" are sins we commit not realizing that they are sins, maybe as a new Christian. How many an infidel has done the samenot because he had any pleasure in the thing itself, but because out of the wickedness of his heart he would spit at God, if it were possible, having a design to let men know that though the sin itself was cheap enough, he was determined to do something which would be like spitting in the face of his Maker, and despising God who created him! In this our happy land it is just possible for a man to commit treason. Again, when a man continues long in sin, and has time to deliberate about it, that also is a proof that it is a presumptuous sin. To sin presumptuously, is to sin against convictions and illuminations, or an enlightened conscience. How fearful is presumption in any! Is it true that the best of men may sin presumptuously? Now the presumptuous sins of our text are just the chief of all sins: they rank head and foremost in the list of iniquities. They sin out of ignorance, but there are others who deliberately and wilfully sin against the light God has given them. Presumptuous sins are deliberate. Say not, "I never can be drunken, for I have such an abhorrence of drunkenness;" thou mayest fall where thou art most secure. Lust often displays itself as a presumptuous sin. If thou seekest to save thyself thou shalt die; if thou wilt come, just as thou art, all black, all filthy, all hell-deserving, all ill-deserving, I am my Master's hostage, I will be answerable at the day of judgment for this matter, if he does not save thee, I can preach on this subject now, for I trust I have tried my Master myself. That young man burned his Bible in the midst of his wicked companionsnot because he hated his Bible, for he quivered and looked pale at the ashes on the hearth when he was doing it; but he did it out of pure bravado, in order to show them, as he thought, that he really was far gone from any thing like a profession of religion. Just as the Israelites put blue fringes around the borders of their garments (v.38) to remind them of all the commandments of the LORD (v.39), so we should remember His commandments to us. dear friends, procrastination is a presumptuous sin. But there be some sins which have in them a greater development of the essential mischief of rebellion, and which wear upon their faces more of the brazen pride which defies the Most High. There are some to whom lust is not a passer-by, but a lodger at home. A man may have a temper so hot that the least provocation causes him at once to be full of wrath. So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation. That other man is accustomed sometimes to stand by the wayside, when the people are going to the house of God; and he swears at them, not because he delights in swearing, but because he will show that he is irreligious, that he is ungodly. Then if I sin against conscience, though I have no greater light than conscience affords me, still my sin is presumptuous, if I have presumed to go against that voice of God in my heart, an enlightened conscience. I shall this morning, first of all, endeavor to describe presumptuous sins; then, secondly, I shall try, if I can, to show by some illustrations, why the presumptuous sin is more heinous than any other; and then thirdly, I shall try to press the prayer upon your noticethe prayer, mark you, of the holy manthe prayer of David: Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins.. ", 2018-2021 Monergism by CPR Foundation. Ideology: Meaning, Types, Right, Left and Centrist Examples, 90+ Shifting Affirmations to manifest your desired reality Instantly. "No, no," says one; "but I know that I can go just so far in such-and-such a sin, and there I can stop." Think it not enough to abhor sin, you may yet fall into it. Did the "man after God's own heart" need to cry, "Keep back thy servant?" Our Dads Are All Dying. Why, I mean this. An Overview of the Bible, Establishing a Timeline, Sorrow Is Better than Laughter - Ecclesiastes 7:3. Thy sin, in daring to think that thou art proof against sin, is a sin of presumption. 2. A sin of ignorance is not presumptuous, unless that ignorance also be willful, in which case the ignorance itself is a presumptuous sin. That man suffered for presumptuous sin. Why, I mean this. We could say that presumptuous sins . It is not long ago since you were given up; all said they might prepare a coffin for you, for your breath could not long be in your body. Fair Lord, I pray to you/concerning my excesses and deficiencies:/grant me forgiveness here/for my misdeeds, my ignorance. Now let us suppose one more case. Those who crucified Christ, the most monstrous sin of all time, sinned in ignorance not presumptuously. Boast not, then, O Christian; by faith thou standest. Says one, "I intend to-morrow to go into such-and-such a society, because I believe, though it hurts other people, it does me no hurt." But he may also have a temperament which has this benefit to balance it, that he very soon learns to forgive, and cools in a moment. Hebrews 10:28 "He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses:" This tract on the presumptuous sin provides background for the tract on the willful sin and the tract on the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Bluehorizonsmaui is a website that writes about many topics of interest to you, a blog that shares knowledge and insights useful to everyone in many fields. Scripture speaks of it in the strongest terms to indicate its foul enormity. II. He could not escape; he must sit where be was. take heed, ye that are sodden in sin, ye that drink it down as the greedy ox drinketh down water, ye who run to your lust as the rivers run to the sea, and ye who go to your passions as the sow to her wallowing in the mire. Presumptuous sins can only be committed in suppression of the conscience and in spite of its appeals. sin. He said to the policeman outside, "Now, I care neither for you nor the law; I intend to go in there, just to see what you can do with me." dear friends, procrastination is a presumptuous sin. It is clearly proved, in the one case, that the man was hungry, and that he snatched the loaf of bread to satisfy his necessities. ", What then? Paul said, "And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent: Acts 17:30KJV" . They are of those that rebel against the light.' Job 24: 13. And how much more is this the case, when the transgressor has been gifted with what is usually called a religious education; in childhood he has been lighted to his bed by the lamps of the sanctuary, the name of Jesus was mingled with the hush of lullaby, the music of the sanctuary woke him like a matin hymn at morning; he has been dandled on the knee of piety and has sucked the breasts of godliness; he has been tutored and trained in the way he should go; how much more fearful I say, is the guilt of such a man than that of those who have never had such training, but have been left to follow their own wayward lusts and pleasures without the restraint of a holy education and the restraints of an enlightened conscience! Thou liest, sir; against thyself thou liest; thou liest presumptuously in so doing. The very moment you were tempted, conscience said, "It is wrong, it is wrong"it shouted murder in your heart, and told you the deed you were about to commit was abominable in the sight of the Lord. What Historical Evidence Says About Jesus of Nazareth, 5 Things You Should Know about Sanctification, Five Truths You Must Consider When You Are Angry. that we might be enabled to cry, Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins.. Presumptuous sins are premeditated. Not to your ears do I speak, but to your hearts. But there are some sins which have in them a greater development of the essential mischief of . From: New Park Street Pulpit Volume 3. Thou liest, sir; against thyself thou liest; thou liest presumptuously in so doing. Showing But when a man sins for want of knowing betterfor want of knowing the law, for want of instruction, reproof, advice, and admonition, we say that his sin, so committed, does not partake to any great extent of the nature of a presumptuous sin. ", Will you just note, that this prayer was the prayer of a saint, the prayer of a holy man of God? But when a man knows better, and sins in the very teeth and face of his increased light and knowledge, then his sin deserves to be branded with this ignominious title of a presumptuous sin. 2. 4. "He is able to save to the uttermost them that come unto God by him." Now, such a sin is a masterpiece of iniquity. That young man burned his Bible in the midst of his wicked companionsnot because he hated his Bible, for he quivered and looked pale at the ashes on the hearth when he was doing it; but he did it out of pure bravado, in order to show them, as he thought, that he really was far gone from any thing like a profession of religion. You old experienced Christians, boast not in your experience; you may trip yet, unless you cry, Hold thou me up, and I shall be safe. Ye whose love is fervent, whose faith is constant, whose hopes an bright, say not I shall never sin, but rather cry out, Lord, lead me not into temptation, and when there leave me not there; for unless thou hold me fast I feel I must, I shall decline, and prove an apostate after all. There is enough tinder in the hearts of the best men in the world to light a fire that shall burn to the lowest hell, unless God should quench the sparks as they fall. PRESUMPTUOUS SIN. In this passage David mentions three: unintentional sins (sins of ignorance); hidden faults (sins I don't know are in me); and, willful sins (presumptuous or blatant rebellion against God). Thou art not so. Again: some men, I have said, sin deliberately, and others do not do so. All sins are great sins, but yet some sins are greater than others. So when you sin deliberately and knowingly, your sin against Almighty God is a higher and a blacker sin than it would have been if you had sinned ignorantly, or sinned in haste. Now, such a sin is a masterpiece of iniquity. But I suppose it is just possible to commit treason here. It must either be a sin against light and knowledge, or a sin committed with deliberation, or a sin committed with a design of sinning, merely for sinnings sake, or else it must be a sin committed through hardihood, from a mans rash confidence in his own strength. Because over his head, immediately over it, there hung a sword, a furbished sword, suspended by a single hair. But it was not such guilt in him as it was in you, because your conscience checked you; your conscience told you of the danger, warned you of the punishment, and yet you dared to go astray against God, and therefore you sinned presumptuously. You have no right to do ityou are, in so doing, sinning against God, and bringing on your heads the guilt of presumptuous sin. No, God is my witness. I hope it was so. We, despite all that our American friends may say, are the freest people to speak and think in all the world. For now, I want to talk about sins of ignorance . You, young man, were once tempted (and perhaps it was but yesterday) to commit a certain act. 3. God may not have you stoned to death, but your presumptuous sins certainly limit the power of God in your life. As if to illustrate the principle, the story is immediately told of finding a man that gathered sticks upon the sabbath day (v.32). Has God just commanded, 'Ye shall do no manner of work?' Or sins committed in the heat of the moment when caught off guard. They have sinned against God, not merely for the pleasure of it, but because they would show their want of reverence to God. God in your life of the conscience and in spite of its appeals there some. Presumptuous sinner rarely escapes without some outward affliction knew him could taste his love now certainly. 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