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Three hours later, the second mate went to wake his captain. Ley lines occur all over the world in a crystalline pattern based on a system of triangles and that great temples of the ancient world are built into this pattern at these nexus points all over the globe. mais nous ne pouvons pas acheter ces billets . A NASA-sponsored researcher at the University of Iowa has developed a way for spacecraft to hunt down hidden magnetic portals in the vicinity of Earth. There is a famous Sumerian seal that shows a Sumerian god appearing from a portal of his world into ours. China Successfully Clones Monkeys; Are Humans Next? Andrew Basiago Involved in Project Pegasus Time Travel Program, NASA May Have Found Evidence of an Advanced Alien Civilization in the Cygnus Star System, The Interstellar Cloud is Bringing Space Weather to Our Solar System, Gaia's Top 10 Seeking Truth Shows You Don't Want to Miss. The site has also claimed several bizarre disappearances and gained the title of The Michigan Triangle.. Two of the pillars sit in the middle of these circles, almost creating an archway of sorts. The registration page is still openyes, you can pay now and join. Who Was The Mysterious Ed Leedskalnin, Creator of the Coral Castle? Aside from the unusual helicopter hieroglyphs, comparisons have been made to the paintings of Egyptian boats that were said to carry its passengers to the next world in the stars, being very similar to how modern day scientists would portray a wormhole, or at least the theory of one. Your email address will not be published. He says the government had a desire to check the veracity of the historical accountsof these three figures, due to their significance and the fact that they have been written about extensively. However, two of the said pillars sit in the centre of these circles, almost making an archway of sorts. A link to reset your password has been sent to you. Strangely, people also witnessed Dorothy pressing on certain stones in the walls, as if she was expecting something to happen when she did so. The vortexes are also attributed with unique capabilities. Einstein believed in them. Screams could be heard from the area. Connects with Universal and Galatic SG: Aveyon Lyra, Avalon Lyra, Nibiru. From the surfaces of the earth alone, there are places that look like portals to the underworld because of its unanticipated depth and exceptionality. Mystery surrounds the Planet Earth. Multiple theories surround it; some suggest that it is a gateway or a portal. Behind it was a tunnel that shone with great blue light. Proudly Created withWix.com. Carved on a massive piece of stone wall and mostly hidden between the boulders and cave systems of Ranmasu Uyana, is what is believed to be a star map or star chart. By: OPYKJ. N, 109 16' 23.19? Not far from the Lake Titicaca is one of the most well-known and widely-suspected portals to another world. The family who owned the ranch from 1994 until 1996 reported that cattle on the ranch were found mutilated or they simply vanished into thin air. It is unknown how this happened. Perhaps even more amazing is how a lot of the site was discovered. Receive exclusive videos from Curiosmos.com. Star people, too, are purported to have entered and exited through the portals. Plus you can download videos to your device to watch offline later. Interestingly, the Inca people spoke of a connection to the people from the Pleiades star system, which is also T-shaped. The Gate of the Gods is an ancient site discovered in 1996 by a local tour guide, Jose Luis Delgado Mamani, and according to lore, the massive stone door was a portal through which heroes of the past entered to join their gods in the next life. 7) The ancient Sumerian Stargate at the Euphrates River: There is a well-known Sumerian seal that exhibits a Sumerian god emerging from a gateway of his world into ours. The term Stargate means just that: an otherworldly door or portal to outside realms, hidden within Earths and spaces magnetic fields, waiting to transport the enlightened traveler to a place beyond current time limitations. Solar Light Codes from our sun are descended from the sun to planet earth with the coding of the colors of the rainbow. Never miss a news release from the Curiosmos team. Most of these are small with short lives, though others have been observed as gaping holes with sustained lifespans. With billions of dollars in research funding funneled to various projects by the Department of Defense, a significant amount was earmarked to allow the military to establish a Stargate Portal. Tiahuanaco city is said to be one of the most significant sites of ancient America, with legends declaring that the Sun God himself appeared in Tiahuanaco and made it the place of creation. The marine explorers and archaeologists discovered a Stonehenge like construction 40 feet below the surface. In the mountains of Arizona, claims to be the Doorway of the godsa strange stone arch portal to another time and space. Einstein believed in them. Never miss an email from us and add [emailprotected] to your approved email list to prevent blocking to spam. . Our unique blend of yoga, meditation, personal transformation, and alternative healing content is designed for those seeking to not just enhance their physical, spiritual, and intellectual capabilities, but to fuse them in the knowledge that the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts. Microchips: the Next Step in Transhumanism or a Privacy Issue? South Pacific. One of NASAs spacecraft, the THEMIS, and cluster probes from Europe have amassed enough observational data to confirm that a magnetic stargate portal exists in many locations. The result is a direct pathway between the Earth and the sun. Currently under High Council-Emerald Guard Protectorate, EX-Current controlling fraction: Necromiton-Andromie MIB, Drakonian Dracos, Omicron-Drakonian, Rigelian-Zeta, Secure under High Council-Emerald Guard Protectorate. . It is said the Red Rocks of the deserts that surround the small town can create vortexes with the capability of transporting people to another realm or dimension. The Gate of the Gods at Hayu Marca in Peru is said by native tribes to have once acted as a gateway to the land of the Gods. Mamani even claims that he had dreams of the doorway for years before he had accidentally found it. The gates are almost always operated standing vertically, though they are operable in any orientation. He describes the computer configuration from which the portal was being controlled as rudimentary and plugged into the wall with a power cord that would look more fitting if it lead to a lathe or drill press ironic for a machine capable of tearing the space-time continuum. The space agency started out by updating technology and applications that were decades old. Inside, we take you on a journey through Humanitys suppressed origins and reveal the secret code left behind by our ancestors. The technology was parlayed into what Basiago calls a plasma confinement chamber which a user jumps into before being transported to a different moment or place in time. Though the government would like to cover up the real reason behind these occurrences and label them hoaxes, it is more likely that they simply want to be in control of the outcome of the research and take credit for it. According to the story, a policeman who happened to be on duty and in the area, recalls seeing a blue light coming from the stones a local farmer also stated he saw this. His invention was mind-boggling and promised a future of non-polluting vehicles that could be refueled with a garden hose. The gates are almost always operated standing vertically, though they are operable in any orientation. 12 stargates on earth. You can also join Gaia as a contributing author and help us connect readers to people and ideas that fuel a conscious life. Prepare to quantum leap to the next level of your Souls Ascension Plan! One thing of particular interest was a carving on one of the stones of a mastodonwhich is believed to have become extinct 10,000 years agoa possible indication of the structures age. In 2007, 40 feet below the surface of Lake Michigan, professor Mark Holley and his colleague Brian Abbot came across a stone formation while using sonar equipment to track shipwrecks. Here it is: Interesting facts: According to map researchers the Giza Plateau, the location of the great pyramid IS the most powerful vortex point on the planet, and that the Kings Chamber within the Great Pyramid represents a narrow gateway to stars. (27.9E, 35.8S) secured 2015, AG-3: Seattle, Washington USA. Credits: Science@NASA Gaia guides people on their personal transformational paths with the worlds largest library of exclusive and original conscious media. Meyers water-powered engine was the result of 20 years of research and dedication, and he claimed it was capable of converting tap water into enough hydrogen fuel to drive his car from one end of the country to the other. They are found in places known as nexus points. They were once sealed off and closed, but now these Stargates are progressively opening during the Ascension Cycle. These are places where the earth seems especially alive with energy. Join Meg Benedicte and Manette Mays with Light Bearers, Gridworkers and Star Beings all around the world for the 12:12 Stargate Global Activations on Wednesday, December 12th at 12pm Pacific Standard Time. The top-middle of the arch features a carving of the supposed sun god and shows what look to be rays of light appearing behind and forcing their way around all sides of the deities head. In 1996, the organization acquired the ranch in order to study its paranormal activity in depth. It is, 20,000-Year-Old Symbols Identified as Cosmic Calendars, Stanford Scientists Warn Civilization as we Know it Will End in Coming Decades. But perhaps the least-known of these is the car that was said to run on water. He continued this training by traveling just a few hours back in time to get used to the sensation. Hola Meg, se que falta poco para que empiece el espectculo, quiero saber que tengo que hacer una vez he pagado los 12 $, es una meditacin? While space seems to be the most likely location for these doorways to other universes, many places on planet Earth have also been attributed with special . The archway within these circles are said to be the remains of portals or stargates, which the ancient people who resided here used as a portal to the sky world.. One of the most well-known structures on the planet, if only by name, is the ancient rock formation known as Stonehenge. NASA has announced that portals do indeed appear to be hidden within the Earths magnetic field, making some wonder if the legends of stargates, portals and wormholes may have some degree of truth to them. SG-3: Bermuda Islands. Get instant access to free videos, helpful articles, and exclusive offers. Evidently he stumbled upon the intersection of somekey ley lines which pin-pointed the exact location of the Egyptian stargate. Gaia guides people on their personal transformational paths with the worlds largest library of exclusive and original conscious media. In March 2015, NASA launched its Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission (MMS) that, among other things, is tasked with studying these portals to gain a deeper understanding of them. Ley lines are literally rivers of energy that flow through the earth and also between worlds and other universes. Stargates (Sequoia art) The Planetary Stargate System are the Earth's connection points or Portals into the Galactic and Universal Stargate Systems. Some say it's "hammer time". New Benjamin Fulford Huge Intel 12.24.22 - JFK ~ Dec. 26, 2022; Juan O' Savin: Big Time Intel - Brunson Brothers . nous nous connecterons The result is a direct pathway between the Earth and the sun. & McFarland as it made its way along Lake Michigan, Captain Donner retired to his quarters to get some much needed rest after a long shift on deck. 2 stargates, 1 found in egypt and the second in Antartic. She had become pregnant with his child, but before he could learn of the pregnancy, the peasant girl took her own life. An extension of the famed Philadelphia Experiment, this United States government-backed research project sought to further substantiate data on magnetic fields and their physiological effects. The Hollow Moon Theory; Is the Moon an Artificial Satellite? Once they arrived at Camp Hero in 1983, they were tasked with returning to the USS Eldridge in order to destroy the equipment holding the ship in hyperspace. The larger doorway measures seven meters wide and seven meters high (22 ft by 22 ft) while the smaller one stands two meters high (6.5 ft) in the middle of the base. They are typically 22 ft in diameter, 64,000 lbs in weight, and thought to be made of an unknown substance. Alfred Bielek, a former crew member on board the USS Eldridge, and Duncan Cameron, who would later work on the Montauk Project, jumped from the deck of the USS Eldridge when it was trapped in hyperspace and landed in the future. Was this what Eady was looking for when she was pressing stones in the walls? Having been involved in a CIA time travel program called Project Pegasus, Andrew Basiago has prescient knowledge to save humanity as we know it, and he is running for president of the United States. He walked closer to it, seeing that the archways image of the mountain range was the same and the only difference was the sky. (122.5W, 47.7N), Connects with Universal and Galatic SG: Sun, Mars, Nibiru, EX-Current controlling fraction: Omicron-Drakonian, Q-4: Aguascalientes, Mexico. Dites moi s.v.p quel heure au Qubec lvenement aura lieu. (130.5E, 24.5S). And none are quite like Sedona, Arizona, where the air and geology lends itself to feeling naturally spiritually charged. Its difficult to argue beautiful pillars of red-rock buttes, the scent of pines, vortexes of energy, and whats known as the Doorway of the Gods brings a unique feeling to this place that differs from the surrounding countryside. Basiago says his father had previously worked for the Ralph M. Parsons Engineering Corporation, where he helped develop the technology. As the gateway opens, our bioelectric field attunes to the ascension codes embedded in the light infusion. In the 1950s, a local tribesman was aiding treasure hunters who were searching for gold in the mountains. Our members inspire our own authenticity: the quest for transformation never ends. There are many places in the American Southwest that seem to offer some things a little beyond the ordinary. Es 12 por persona o una misma persona puede pagar varios boletos? After two Eclipses, we are still processing the dismantling of outdated timelines. (64.9W, 32.1N). Why Have Four Nations Launched Rockets Within Five Days? The Bermuda Triangle is probably the most famous stargate portal. We are transmitters and receivers of light. Est ce que la vido sera en franais, Nous nous connecterons cette mditation mon mari Christian et Moi Suzanne There are no signs leading down this road, let alone pointing to it. Meyers water-powered engine was the result of 20 years of research and dedication, and he claimed it was capable of converting tap water into enough hydrogen fuel to drive his car from one end of the country to the other. It is believed that multiple star people have also visited the site through one of the portals. They are typically 22 ft in diameter, 64,000 lbs in weight, and thought to be made of an unknown substance. Stargate portals, flying saucers, the Unified Field Theory and other technologies have made strides in providing a method of communicating with other entities within the galaxy as well as facilitating the movement of people instantly. Meyers invention promised a revolution in the automotive industry. The main doorway is a massive archway of red rock at the top of the mountain. Source: http://www.unexplainable.net/simply-unexplainable/a_map_of_all_the_stargates_throughout_the_world.php, http://www.unexplainable.net/simply-unexplainable/a_map_of_all_the_stargates_throughout_the_world.php, Are You A Starseed? This summary is indicative of the many targets. Some of these places are: Southern Japans Dragons Triangle an area of intense seismic activity. With the captains quarters empty and with all the windows locked shut, Captain Donner had simply vanished. Current controlling fraction: Unknown *update-2012 by: ME @EG, Secure under protection of High Council-Emerald Guard. Technocracy vs Democracy; Are Politicians Really in Control? In 1996, Jose Luis Delgado Mamani, a tour guide, stumbled upon a site, which is known as the Gates of the Gods. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired. The tale tells us that when Spanish investigators arrived in Peru in the 16th century, plundering Inca riches as they went, an Incan priest named Amaru Maru disguised himself and left his temple with a valuable golden disk. He also has a liking for the NFL, film and music. It worked through an electric water fuel cell, which divided any kind of water including salt water into its fundamental elements of hydrogen and oxygen, by utilizing a process far simpler than the electrolysis method. Abydos is one of the oldest cities of Ancient Egypt. Simultaneously, sailors stationed 375 miles south at the Norfolk Naval Base in Norfolk, Virginia, reported the ships appearance for several minutes before it vanished. The Cherokee tell of how thought beingswho are formlesswould travel on a wave of sound from their home in the Pleiades Star System to Earth. See the Precession of the Equinoxes . 4-Year University Study Discredits Official 9/11 Narrative, Mysterious Booms Heard Around the World Leaving People Perplexed, Famous Alchemists; A Brief History of Fascination and Discovery, Cloud Seeding; The Confirmed Weather Modification Program, The CIA's Attempt at Feline Espionage: Operation Acoustic Kitty, Amazon Alexa Tells Users Secret Government Chemtrails Are Real, Researchers Have Created a Device That Can Hear Your Inner Voice, Amazon Alexa Owners Reporting Creepy Laughter from Home Assistant. The modern-day investigators did find a small indention shaped like a disk in the rock. Directly opposite the star map, are four stone seats or chairs. Gobekli Tepe is considered as the oldest rock temple in the world. Basiago says he also traveled to the future, to the year 2045, where he was transported to a building made of emerald and tungsten steel. Central America T-3 Goa ,India (1mile of SE coast) T-4 Staten Island, NYC, NEw York T-5 SE Tuscany, 7 Miles of Castaglione, italy) T-6 Fiji , South Pacific Ocean Emerald Guardians The Doorway itself is a large archway of red rock at the top of the mountain. Another Sumerian artifact that claims to show evidence of stargates is that of Ninurta. Dalnegorsk UFO Crash Witnessed by Hundreds, Craigslist Killer Says More than 20 Murders Attributed to Traveling Satanic Cult, Maccabean Leaders the Hasmonean Dynasty III, NASA Still Encounters UFOs In Space- Video. We use cookies and similar technologies to run this website and help us make recommendations for you. In 2003, Michael Schratt, a military aerospace engineer, stated that Abydos did sit on a naturally occurring stargate. It should be no surprise to learn that the military is both a conduit and a supporter of space portal research. Week Four Intention: Set up Session space that is dedicated to the Purposes of the Krystal Star Host communication networks for Stargate 4 Inner Gate Central Mexico to link from the inner earth into Giza, Egypt. With a history dating back more than 50 years, Skinwalker Ranch has been the site of paranormal activity such as crop circles, poltergeists, UFOs, dire wolf sightings, glowing orbs and other extraterrestrial occurrences. -Secure under High Council-Emerald Guard Protectorate (31 dec 2015), AG-5: Bali, Indonesia. Testing started in 1943 and was successful to a large degree. Quite a lot of people believe that it was made for some other purposes. Moreover, there are shimmering columns of water on each side of God. (Lohas Atlantis) (1.9W,51.5N). Carved from one block of stone and thought to be 14,000 years old, the gateway displays what appears to be human beings with rectangular helmets. He has been a guest speaker on numerous national radio and television stations and is a five time published author. The possibility of direct paths to other worlds, times, or even universes outside our own, is one that will continue to fascinate us for centuries to come. Stonehenge in England Located at Montauk, Long Island, New York, Montauk Air Force Station, also known as Camp Hero, was the site of The Montauk Project. The archway within these circles is believed to be the remnants of stargates. UFO Contact: A Matter of International or National Security. But it is out in a concentric circle almost. Many people feel inspired, recharged or uplifted after visiting a vortex. Adoni Host) T-1 Malibu beach,Malibu California T-2 Belize City,Belize. The Mysterious Death of Stanley Meyer and His Water-Powered Car, Tech Start-Up Offers to Upload Clients' Consciousness to Computer, Artificial Intelligence Will Help Us Communicate With Animals, Defense Agency Studying Anti-Gravity, Other 'Exotic Tech', Corporations Are Testing Ways to Advertise to Us in Our Dreams, Amateur Archeologist Believes He Knows Location of Holy Grail, The Incorporation of the United States of America. Ley lines link a number of ancient landmarks by a series of straight lines. Within Abu Ghurab, lies an ancient platform made of alabaster (Egyptian crystal) and is said to be in tune with the vibration of Earth. Stargates are a fascinating overlap of science-fiction and reality, and there are some who claim that we have access to portals here on Earth. Ley lines are literally rivers of energy that flow through the earth and also between worlds and other universes. It is just hours till 12:12 Stargate Activations and the alignment with the galactic center. <br> <br>Einstein believed in them. Professor Mark Holley and his colleague Brian Abbot stumbled upon a stone formation in Lake Michigan. The Stonehenge of England is one of the most mysterious structures on planet Earth. Your email address will not be published. This radiant energy was discovered by Nikola Tesla, whose schematic was posthumously discovered by the government in his New York apartment in 1943. Log on and subscribe: www.reysibayan.com Facebook: facebook.com/misteryoDZRH FB Page:. Use the same account and membership for TV, desktop, and all mobile devices. Beginning when he was just a child, Basiago was selected from a group of psychically gifted children to become a time traveling liaison who would go on to meet historical and future dignitaries, as well as various extraterrestrial entities. Some of these gateways are created by men while others are surprises of nature. The other two, believing they had encroached on sacred land, fled the scene. E34.384919, 109.273108), Q-8: Taklamaken, Lop Nor, Tibet. Since this site is now protected by the Peruvian government as an ancient archeological site, there have not been any recent digs at this location. Nearly all of these Vortices are characterized by magnetic anomalies and abnormal phenomena. Encompassing three vertices, the Bermuda Triangle sometimes referred to as the Devils Triangle is a large abyss that stretches between San Juan, Puerto Rico, Bermuda Island, and Miami, Florida. Formed from energy similar to that found in the human body, the shift in energy can be felt as a subtle vibration, bringing those who experience it a sense of calm and rejuvenation as the outward pulses align with those that naturally occur in the human body. Interestingly, legends of their communication and way of travel between their world and ours almost mirrors the legends of the Cherokee Native Americans. Similar to an Einstein-Rosen bridge, or worm-hole, the theory of formation of a space portal is that one occurs when space-time is distorted, either by the intense gravitational fields created by the collapse of a star, or by the mingling magnetic forces of the Earth and Sun crossing in space, enhanced by violent solar winds. He claims the program was run jointly by the CIA and DARPA, and was used to contact former presidents, teleport to Mars, and maintain a rapport with extraterrestrials. The experts were utterly shocked when they discovered multiple hieroglyphs of modern flying machines, such as a helicopter and submarine in the Temple of Seti. Connects with Universal and Galatic SG: Mirach Andromeda and Neptune. This is the reason that the pyramids were built at this location. These gateways link the magnetic field of our planet to that of the sun, setting the stage for stormy space weather. Stargates and Portals. merci, Please use the time zone converter: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter-classic.html. It is said that when the first settlements were built in the area, 5,000 years ago, Stonehenge was already there and fully built. Our unique blend of yoga, meditation, personal transformation, and alternative healing content is designed for those seeking to not just enhance their physical, spiritual, and intellectual capabilities, but to fuse them in the knowledge that the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts. Scudder called these newly-discovered road signs X-Points, where the intersecting magnetic fields flowing between the Earth and the Sun propel vast amounts of charged particles out of the portal, easy to spot with the correct instruments and the right data. https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter-classic.html. A link to reset your password has been sent to you. Glitch Discovered In Saturn's Rings By Cassini Spacecraft Images, DIY Medicine; One Man's Crusade Against Big Pharma. In 1921, the 11 people who were aboard the Rosa Belle disappeared without a trace, but their boat was found floating lifelessly in the water. machine capable of tearing the space-time continuum. Historians have noticed that Ninurta appears to be wearing a modern-day wristwatch. Use the same account and membership for TV, desktop, and all mobile devices. by time time we found the Antarctic gate which was later stored away. It is said that it allows the opener to travel from this world to the rest of the universe. Science Cannot Explain Intuition and Deja Vu, The Stormer Effect- The Extraterrestrial Message, A Troubled Paris Jackson Tweets About the Illuminati, Aromas and hormones Increases The Feeling Of Love, Remains of an ancient civilization discovered in the depths of the Northern sea, Bigfoot Believer Kept on Searching (Paul Freeman), The Meat Eater couple arrested for child abuse, The Meat-Eater boxer kidnapped and raped a young school Girl, Carnist man arrested for 198 years for raping and shooting a woman. A Stargate generates a wormhole between itself and a complementary device at another location, by being supplied with a threshold amount of raw energy. Connects with Universal and Galactic SG: Theta Orion Parallel Earth and Mercury. But that's not the only reason why Earth is such wonderful places. In 1993, M. Visser showed that quantum wormholes, once formed, are stable. The live show completed an hour ago. It was here where he was first exposed to the portal he would later use to teleport through time and space. Twitter Facebook Me Time For The Mind, Ancient Aliens: Perus Gate of the Gods | History, Ranmasu Uyana Stargate Sri Lanka, Top 10 Alternatives To Popular Sites And Apps (That, 10 Reasons Advanced Ancient Civilizations Might Have, 10 Ways Crimes Were Investigated And Solved In Ancient Egypt, Top 10 Amazing Discoveries About Ancient Authors And Books, 10 Times Ancient Bodies Revealed Fascinating Facts, Top 10 Recent Riddles And Revelations From Ancient Egypt, Top 10 New Mysteries And Insights From Unusual, 10 Unusual Art And Writing Discoveries From The, 10 Brilliant And Brutal Methods Of Ancient, 10 Mythical Humanoids from the Ancient World, 10 Decades-Old Cold Case Murders Solved with DNA, 10 Revealing Recreations of Long-Gone Things, The Most Incredible Animal Mummies from Egypt, Top 10 Biggest Upsets in World Cup History, Ten Hauntings at Breweries, Distilleries, and Vineyards, 10 Colonial Punishments We Thankfully Ended, Ten World Leaders Who Leaned on Astrology for Guidance, 10 Extreme Cosmic Environments That Push Physical Limits, 10 Fascinating NASA Projects And Problems, 10 Science Fiction Projects That Are Becoming Reality, Top 10 Ways Science Predicts the World Will End, 10 Ways One Project Is Revealing The Soul Of The Universe. 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