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6 and No. In accordance with reference (e), a vertical loop fire main in the forward and after living spaces, separated by at least one deck is being installed in all heavy cruisers in commission. With the growth of hostilities in Europe, she was ordered to Task Force 2 (TF 2) and operated with Wasp in the mid-Atlantic, preserving US neutrality from 26 April to 6 June. 17) on the machine gun platform passed through the 1.1" clipping room setting the ammunition located there on fire. Ammunition within exploded with such violence that the Commanding Officer ASTORIA reported in reference (a) that "QUINCY had blown up". A shell hit (No. 4 fireroom was reported by the Commanding Officer, in reference (d), to have been hit by a torpedo. 56. Fires were started in the carpenter shop and the airplanes in the hangar. US Navy Crew List - Reunite with old Navy Buddies - 344743 entries available online. 15 December 1943, Capt. 4 fireroom had to be abandoned due to the intense heat from the fire on the well deck. It will thus make the immediate vicinity temporarily untenable. The hits mentioned in the preceding two paragraphs, as well as others, caused the ship to become a raging inferno from the foremast to the after bulkhead of the hangar. She was the only one of her class to retain her Bofors 40 mm gun mounts instead of receiving the newer 3/50 mounts. Following fitting out and readiness training, she served in the screen of the Fast Carrier Task groups ranging off the coastline of Korea from 25 July 1953 to 1 December 1953. USS Quincy honors the past crews of the ships that bore this name, the people/Veterans from communities named Quincy and President John Quincy Adams. 6. Topside exposed personnel received the greatest number. The 5" H.E., which usually penetrated the light plating and then exploded, caused a moderate amount of structural damage. QUINCY departed Malta 6 February and arrived Great Bitter Lake in the Suez Canal two days later, after calling at Ismalia, Egypt. Casualties: U.S. Navy and Coast Guard Vessels, Sunk or Damaged Beyond Repair during World War II, 7 December 1941-1 October 1945. Excess equipment, paint on bulkheads, records, and so forth in officers' spaces and in ship's offices provided fuel for a fire which gradually worked downward exploding ammunition in the 5" hoists. 19). I, was also hit in the left range finder hood (Hit No. The hits are numbered for convenience from forward to aft without regard to time, size or source. In ASTORIA action, it is interesting to note the effect of 8" A.P. USS SPRINGFIELD (CL 66) was laid down on 13 February 1943 by Bethlehem Steel Co. at its Fore River yard, Quincy, Mass. Cincpac directed, however, that Commanding Officers, at their own discretion, have the planes flown off or dropped overboard if action appears imminent. In connection with elimination of existing fire hazards aboard ship, the Bureau is actively cooperating with the forces afloat to accomplish this. The heavy cruiser sailed for Mers-el-Kebir, North Africa 4 July, arriving there the 10th. Home Join Now About Hullnumber Before You Register Tell A Shipmate FAQs Related Links Contact Us. As in ASTORIA, hits received in this engagement are numbered for convenience from forward to aft without regard to time, size, or source. VINCENNES, U.S.S. A fire was started on the fantail and was fought successfully until the fire main pressure failed. Aflame . The sizes of hits are all estimated. Just as the collision was averted, steering control was lost on the bridge and transferred to central station. Before dawn on 14 May, the cruiser splashed a Japanese plane. 11. 27, USS Chincoteague AVP24 War Damage Report No. Gun No. 47, USS Enterprise CV6 War History 1941 - 1945, USS Franklin CV-13 War Damage Report No. Every effort is being made to insure that water will be available for magazine sprinkling. A projectile (Hit No. 64. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. The bridge was struck at least twice, once early in the action (Hit No. It is noted that performance of armor on ASTORIA was considerably different from that on BOISE*, although range in both cases was approximately the same. 5). 16) and again about five minutes later (Hit No. Astoria (CA34) These minor caliber hits are estimated to have come from the 25mm batteries on the enemy vessels. Contents 1 Construction 2 Service history 2.1 World War II 2.1.1 The Quincy Agreement 2.1.2 Remainder of wartime career 2.2 Korean War 2.3 Fate 3 Awards 4 Legacy 5 References 6 External links Construction [ edit] 3 blower leading into the No. Plate III shows the paths and damage resulting from 35 of the most important of these hits. By this time the batteries of VINCENNES, QUINCY and ASTORIA had been trained out and commenced firing. After the action, the heat from the fires on the wardroom exploded ammunition in the hoists. No. 16) struck the 1.1" clipping room on the battle lookout and machine gun platform. Thus, damage and uncontrolled fires resulted in the loss of ASTORIA. HullNumber.com's mission is to provide a means for shipmates to keep in touch with one another. 3 and No. 61. [7], Quincy earned one battle star during World War II. When the conference was completed, she was the site of meetings between the President, King Farouk of Egypt, Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethopia and King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia. One result was the destruction of the forced draft blower to No. Despite the fact that one was fired from about 17,000 yards and the other from about 3,000 yards, neither one of these penetrated the barbette or put the turret out of action. The planes in the hangar were set on fire, the bridge hit, 1.1" clipping room in the foremast hit, battle II hit, and turret III was hit and jammed in train. USS Quincy(CA-39) in New York harbour on 23 May 1942 History United States Name Quincy Namesake City of Quincy, Massachusetts Ordered 13 February 1929 Awarded 9 January 1933 Builder Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation's Fore River Shipyard, Quincy, Massachusetts Cost $8,196,000 (contract price) Laid down 15 November 1933 Launched 19 June 1935 Naval Academy, The Sullivan Brothers and the Assignment of Family Members, Historic Former U.S. Navy Bases and Stations, The African American Experience in the U.S. Navy, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the U.S. Navy, Contributions of Native Americans to the U.S. Navy, The World Cruise of the Great White Fleet, Navy Underwater Archaeology Return Program, Annual Navy History and Heritage Awards - Main, Research Permits for Sunken & Terrestrial Military Craft, Scanning, Copyright & Citation Information, Obtain Duplications of Records and Photos, USS Quincy CA39, Astoria CA34 & Vincennes CA44 War Damage Report No. Quincy later made a South American goodwill tour from 10 April to 12 June, and upon returning to Norfolk, embarked reservists for three training cruises from 9 July to 24 August. This action, however, again emphasizes the necessity of having fire fighting equipment which is adequate for the control of conflagrations resulting from present warfare. I received his Flag and have his Blue Jacket manual. After another set of fleet exercises, QUINCY arrived at Marseille, France on 20 December. Two hits (Nos. General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force, accompanied by Rear Admiral Alan G. Kirk, inspected the ships company in Belfast Lough 15 May 1944. 31, 32 and 33). 30) on the well deck set the planes secured there on fire, sprayed gasoline on the well deck, the midship portion of the upper deck and the planes on the catapult. There was a minor flareback in No. Naval records from World War II. and. At the bottom of every email sent by HullNumber is an UNSUBSCRIBE link. After surviving a midget submarine attack at Sydney Harbour and serving in battle at the Coral Sea and Savo Island in 1942, she was sunk by Japanese aerial torpedoes in the . 74. She remained at Boston for the installation of new equipment through 31 October, when she got underway for training in Casco Bay. 3 fireroom". QUINCY joined the Support Force, 23 August; and four days later, helped occupy Sagami Wan, Japan, and entered Tokyo Bay 1 September. USS QUINCY (CA 39) History View This Vessels DANFS History Entry on the U.S. Navy Historical Center website. Quincy then proceeded to Cape Town, South Africa, via Trinidad, where she met a convoy which she escorted back to Trinidad on 29 December. After fitting out at Boston for a Presidential cruise, Quincy steamed for Hampton Roads, Virginia, 16 November. Her own aircraft strafed targets in Omonawa on Tokune Shima 19 May. During the next fifteen minutes. USS Quincy (CA 71) Crew List The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Quincy (CA 71). Personnel casualties suffered by QUINCY were by far the heaviest sustained on any of the three ships in this action. 7 December 1941, and stricken from the Navy List, 1 December 1942. USS Quincy sailed out of Belfast Lough, 20 May, for the Clyde and anchored off Greenock, Scotland, to begin special training in shore bombardment. She supported carriers in strikes in the Tokyo Plains area, Honshu, Hokkaido, and Shikoku. The heat from this fire forced the crew to abandon the after engine room. Bucket brigades were organized by both parties. Grandpa is now 84 and living with his wife of 64 yrs Mary in southern CA. After port visits in Sicily and La Spezia, Italy, QUINCY participated in Operation Longstep in the first half of November, followed by port visits to Izmir, Turkey and Salonika, Greece. 2 mess hall were hit repeatedly, apparently the same hits mentioned in the preceding paragraph. Following a Caribbean shakedown cruise and training in the North. He was unable to take the fragment with him when he abandoned ship. After stops in Oakland, Calif., and San Diego, Calif., QUINCY passed the Panama Canal in June and continued to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, for six weeks of shakedown training. It is not possible for any lightly protected vessel to absorb such punishment and survive. No fires were reported in this area. The average range of these was about 5,000 yards. Robert E. Powers aka Rep is my grandfather and was on the USS QUINCY CA-71 during the Korean War as a Radar man 2nd class. Posted this on Nov2016, I am posting the letters from my father, Clark "Buss" Gerdes, to my mother during his tour of duty aboard the USS Quincy in 1952. HullNumber.com's mission is to provide a means for shipmates to keep in touch with one another. Both engine rooms and No. 26, USS Saratoga CV3 War Damage Report No. From results of the Bureau of Ordnance tests described above, it appears rather that this "explosion" was a severe powder fire from the 5"/25 caliber ammunition charges which was so intense as to be of the nature of an explosion. 41. Quincy evacuated 490 refugees to Marseille and Villefranche, France, before being relieved by Raleigh on 27 September. (a) C.O. Preliminary Design Branch 1 in wardroom (Hit No. 59. 10). Search crew members| She also neutralized and destroyed heavy, long range enemy batteries, supported minesweepers operating under enemy fire, engaged enemy batteries that were firing on the crews of the ships USS Corry (DD-463) and Glennon (DD-620) during their efforts to abandon their ships after they had struck mines and participated in the reduction of the town of Quinville on 12 June.[1]. Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. 1 in warrant officers' country (Hit No. In 1995, to commemorate 50 years since the meeting occurred, thenU.S. At the bottom of every email sent by HullNumber is an UNSUBSCRIBE link. She was again decommissioned in July 1954 and spent nearly two decades in "mothballs" at Bremerton. The fire was extinguished by throwing the flags overboard. About a minute later, direct hits were received on sky aft and sky forward, blowing the after director overboard. QUINCY received at least 36 known hits as well as two torpedo hits on the port side, one in way of No. In the Pilot House itself the only person standing was the signalman at the wheel who was vainly endeavoring to check the ship's swing to starboard to bring her to port. She proceeded to Palermo, Sicily 16 July, arriving two days later. Kerosene from the tank spread over the well deck and contributed to the intensity of a fire that was already burning furiously. The narrative of each ship will be taken up independently beginning at 0155 when enemy searchlights illuminated. On the afternoon of 13 August, in company with four British cruisers, one French cruiser, and four American destroyers, Quincy departed Malta for the landings on the southern coast of France, arriving Baie de Cavalaire 15 August. All lighting and communications were destroyed. Survivors from the forward part of the ship collected on the forecastle with the Commanding Officer in charge. USS QUINCY was the fourth BALTIMORE - class heavy cruiser and the third ship in the Navy to bear the name. 5" projectiles. There were light breezes from the southwest with a ceiling of about 1500 ft. In honor of the meeting between Saudi's King Abdul Aziz and Franklin D. Roosevelt aboard Quincy, the official residence of the American ambassador to Saudi Arabia is named Quincy House, and is located on the Diplomatic Quarter in Riyadh. 53. 93. Besides this, all heavy cruisers, both those in service and new construction, carry six gasoline "handy billies" and twelve electrical submersible pumps. While in the beginning of this turn QUINCY was struck on the port side by two torpedoes, probably from a submarine, one in way of firerooms III and IV and the other just forward of the I.C. All control spaces in the foremast, except radio I, were struck at least once. 1 fireroom and killed all of the crew in this space. USS Astoria CA-34, lost August 9, 1942 in Battle of Savo Island (NHHC, click to enlarge): return to US Navy Casualties, WW2 or to World War 2 He remembers so many names but a few that really stick out are Harold Hewitt, Paul Boyd. Other sources have also made this same recommendation in order to reduce fire and explosion hazards. Quincy transferred 19 August to TG 86.4, and until the 24th, engaged the heavy batteries at Toulon, St. Mandrier, and Cape Sicie. About two 6-gun salvos had been fired to starboard by the forward two turrets when turret II was struck, probably by an 8" A.P. Upon her arrival back in the United States,Quincywas transferred to the Pacific, where she escorted the fast carriers as they conducted air strikes on targets in the Ryukyus and the Japanese Home Islands during the last five months of World War II. 58, Summary of War Damage to U. S. Battleships, Carriers, Cruisers and Destroyers 17 October, 1941 to 7 December, 1942, USS Birmingham CL62 War Damage Report No. The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Quincy (CA 71). CA34/A9-16 dated 4 Sept. 1942 - (War Damage Report). This resulted in the loss of all power on the ship. 32, USS Lexington CV2 War Damage Report No. The other hit at frame 74 in way of No. 2 mess hall by one or more direct hits (Hit No. Turrets I and II were trained around to starboard and brought to bear upon the enemy. The hit forward was believed to have exploded forward of the I.C. Fragments from hits received in this vicinity damaged the ladders leading to and from the bridge, but not sufficiently to prevent the crew from escaping. These hits started fires, wrecked bunks and lockers and filled the compartment with smoke. (b) "There should be a hand-operated fuel oil service pump located in each fireroom.". [4], On 28 July, Quincy sailed with TF 16 for Iceland on neutrality duty which included a patrol in the Denmark Straits from 2124 September. [6] Quincy sits upright in roughly 2,000 feet (610m) of water. USS Chicago (CA-29) was a Northampton-class cruiser of the United States Navy that served in the Pacific Theater in the early years of World War II.She was the second US Navy ship to be named after the city of Chicago. Copyright 2023 HullNumber.com. Jump to:navigation, search. The exact locations of these hits are, of course, unknown, but it appears from the damage reported that one struck on the port side about frame 45 and the other struck on the port side about frame 74. This group passed through the southern corner of this square at 0130 and took course 345 true, speed 10 knots. These 5" hits also cut all the fire mains forward of bulkhead 103, leaving only CO2 fire extinguishers, bucket brigades and "handy billies" with which to attempt to control the intense fires raging amidships. projectiles. 48, USS Canberra CA70 War Damage Report No. In addition to DesRon 23's Presidential Unit Citation, Spence earned 8 battle stars. The stay at home was short and the ship was called to duty to serve in the 7th Fleet in support of United Nations Forces in Korea. 17. Between 27 July and 13 August, the cruiser participated in training exercises at Malta and Camarota, Italy. for the past few years has been to provide magazine sprinkling systems in lieu of flooding-from-sea. Damage to QUINCY and VINCENNES was so extensive that loss of the vessels was inevitable. This reduced the speed to nine knots. Crew's spaces on the first platform deck immediately above the compartments mentioned in the preceding sentence were flooded. 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