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LOFGREN: Well, he`s in the middle of his trial right now. and for a limited time, when you make a $10 monthly donation, you'll also receive a free tote bag to share your support for children in need. i've never been healthier. your thoughts tonight. i have been in that situation, so i'm quite sympathetic to that. That`s why we referred this to the Department of Justice. a political attack by an election denier and self-proclaimed maga loyalist. If he decided to cooperate, if he was truthful, if he told the story, he could be a very important witness, but the word if is doing a lot of work in that sentence. January 6th Committee member on the upcoming primetime hearing next week. you. 02:00 am. I saw a South Carolinian and Jim Clyburn go to a home of state in Ohio to make sure he sabotaged our political opponent of not his liking. (cecily) what's up, einstein? That thing in the middle there like it`s the menu. I think we need a special counsel that we put in place before inauguration day to get to the bottom of this. MELBER: This is what`s happening out there. in critical condition after what was reported broadly as confrontations with police, but his stepfather released this photo from the hospital saying, no one should look like this because of a traffic stop. Oh, the 5th and 6th of January, `21. This is the point in time where folks come into the White House. And here are the facts, a 10-year-old rape victim had to travel outside of her own state of Ohio and crossed the line into Indiana to obtain an abortion because of the new Ohio ban of abortion after the six weeks of pregnancy, which is a product of this new post-Roe world. And we`re going to get into that. He would not. To go at the deeper roots of problems in the structure of America, which is something the artists and activists Killer Mike is explored in his work and his art and on the campaign trail. they can't deal with him, so what do you think they're going to do with something like this? And as Biden faces this obstruction and economic headwinds, and that hostile Supreme Court, there are progressives saying now is the time to go big. one, there's nothing that's going to prepare you for the media onslaught, and that component of it. indeed, they get most defendants to plead out. We`re gathering the evidence as we speak, and we`re going to fight this to the end. MELBER: Now this is one of those things that does sound fishy and suspicious but that`s not enough. you. he developed experience for the pressure of those specific kind of cases and something of a reputation as the kind of prosecutor you actually pick up and call with a tough case like that. -that's right, dr. gary. people who will try to have you pay for it. PHOEBE BRIDGERS, SINGER-SONGWRITER: It`s almost like tweeting but really sad. That`s not something that I would have put forward by any stretch of the imagination. the city of memphis said today for the first time they will release footage related to the footage once the probe ends. I hope you have a great weekend. The president reached up towards the front of the vehicle to grab at the steering wheel. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. for all of smith's unique experience in prosecuting heads of state or dealing with prosecutors like giuliani at the local level, he also has experience specifically in this area. whether it was a police-led crime is the open question. MELBER: So, if it`s not a coincidence, at what point does it add to the criminal evidence essentially that Donald Trump was going to try to overthrow the election and that the only reason -- it appears the only reason he didn`t do the military thing was because they told him it wasn`t going to work? I look forward to seeing you at the Run The Jewels show in New York in a few weeks. (einstein) i'm switching! those smiles. His staff insisted that President Trump call off the attack. But when the story first broke, conservatives and Republican operatives immediately tried to lie about it. chase freedom unlimited. learn how abbvie can help you save. >> president of kosovo is in the hague for an interview with prosecutors who have indicted him on war crimes charges. JOYCE VANCE, FORMER U.S. ATTORNEY: This is incredibly important information. justice requires institutions that can protect those who seek justice. After the president was told people were armed and after he got to execute what has now been proven his plan to trick law enforcement and the police into not knowing that there was a march plan, that he announced and wanted to be, quote-unquote, "look spontaneous" so they would be caught unaware. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. you take it all together, and there are people who would say that's one of the problems in how difficult it is to secure corruption convictions in american law, that that's not a jack smith thing. nichols then died two days later. BRIDGERS: A lot of my favorite lyrics have kind of started as a joke. LOFGREN: Well, you know, as I say, we`re a legislative committee. tell us then under what conditions does a republican ever lose an election then? false positive and negative results may occur. I want to thank Young Thug who`s currently under indictment and locked up for being a part of this record. MELBER: Right, radical change, doing it with people who are connected to the community, and interesting to hear you criticize some of the incumbent Democrats for what you see as the change and you`re naming names, which reminds people you`re in this fight. because that comes across in his style. CASSIDY HUTCHINSON, FORMER AIDE TO WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF MARK MEADOWS: The president said something to the effect of, I`m the effing president. MELBER: I hear that, and the documents are important. they say in skiing, if you never fall, then you're not pushing yourself. tv The Beat With Ari Melber MSNBC January 12, 2023 3:00pm-4:00pm PST . it's an msnbc town hall live from new orleans with trymaine lee, chris hayes, and joy reid, 10:00 eastern tonight. >> nice to be here. And then I do. nah, i'm working on my six pack. I think that -- I think that, in particular, very progressive voices within the Democratic Party are suppressed. I`ve never been a machine guy. We can show you that now confess rapist in court. >> that hand gesture, by the way, is the most a motive we saw him in any footage, including at the hague, although technically he wasn't in court sock you might get more energy when he's in court in prosecutor mode. It`s a story people are lying about because they`re afraid if you learn the truth, you might just throw them out of office. some more heroes and your call will make a difference. NAVARRO: The report I did, the three volume Navarro report on PeterNavarro,com, by the way, voting machines were like a footnote to a footnote. FLANNERY: Well, we talk about spoilation already. Meanwhile, liberals have passed some major reform bills this year. so, you know, more fun and games to come, but this is what you expect. UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Have you been in contact with the FBI about the January 6th investigation for the DOJ? it's not a what if or a when, it's here repeatedly. It matters not because of the sort of salience or this sort of gossiping nature of him fighting with this own agents, although that`s quite a scene if it were a movie. you know, the picture you paint is somebody that he might be very effective prosecutor, but you're thinking i never want to. JESSE WATTERS, HOST, FOX NEWS: Have you had anybody come to you in your state to say we`re looking into this police report was filed? But what it really did was let the police terrorize whoever. And remember, it can be hard to figure out who to take seriously or not, but Donald Trump wrote the January 6th announcement tweet by beginning with a reference to Peter Navarro`s report. And if you are involved in law and order in any way, let alone attorney general, violent crimes are something to just take seriously and follow the evidence, where the abortion took place in Indiana. >> he also came to my front door after elections, pretty aggressive. We are so grateful. So, shout out to Greenwood for that. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. take a stand, and start a new day with trelegy. trelegy for copd. any expectation otherwise, ari, is a joke, because the behavior pattern has shown us it's not going to change. a new mexico republican arrested for allegedly targeting the other party, democrats, accused of shooting into at least four homes of democratic officials. Current events and sharp analysis of top trending topics. So, this is all happening. he calls himself the maga king. The 11th Hour with Stephanie Ruhle. Well, that`s the thing. We`re going to get into that tonight in an important way. We asked for testimony and documents last fall and we were specific with all of the documents we want. TV Archive and i can walk. MELBER: That`s really interesting on all that. if operators are busy, please call again, or go to loveshriners.org right away. i can play basketball. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. the bad press. What matters is that you`re a truth-teller. and it's never too early to learn you could save with america's number one motorcycle insurer. if there's a prosecutable case and other people that are similar situated would be prosecuted, it's important to vindicate the rule of law. As people fight and march and try to confront what we`re dealing with at a legal level and a human rights level and a women rights level. friends in government, how it's going to look. Actually the first thing I did I walked in, I looked at him and I said, "Who are you?". Gets them qualified to work as carpenters, electricians, bridge builders, concrete layers. guaranteed for 3 years. It doesn`t matter you have imperfections. it's about the friends we make along the way. If you just refuse to show up, you`ll get prosecuted. that's a good thing for the law. I think that we could do like Fred Hampton did impress for a black, and working-class agenda, that no matter your race will help you. often times i go places and the first time i hear is, no, we don't have a corruption problem here. one, jack smith is steeped in the challenges of prosecuting heads of state. there are strong passions headed towards him either way. the officers have been relieved of duty pending the investigation. the kind of cases that go at the, powerful in government or police, senators, heads of state. Gas has finally come down a bit. The decision on you know, illegality is something that, you know, the Department of Justice has to decide. Velshi New Live. PETER NAVARRO, FORMER TRUMP WHITE HOUSE ADVISER: That I would like to get more to the bottom of. u do it all. then the third point before we get into it. Not in journalism, certainly not in investigations. present. Feared from warzones to Congress, special counsel Jack Smith is now leading two Trump investigations. MELBER: That`s the political side plot and organize. after months of denials, presidential candidate john edwards admitted he had an extramarital affair. And so you may remember on the day of the 6th, people were talking about, well, the police must have let them in to the Capitol if they got in this easily. And we are seeing conflicting information from the agencies about what took place. MELBER: Mr. Navarro of course is not rejecting this plea offer and preparing for trial. children deserve better. zinc that cold! so, michael, let me jump in -- >> tell me what that situation is. that's one feature of this. >> good to see you. Have a great weekend. Some of that, we didn`t have time to air on THE BEAT. officials say the cause of death has not been determined but his family accused the police of beating him and causing him to suffer a heart attack. justice in america. unlike regular shampoo, head & shoulders contains zinc pyrithione, which fights the dandruff-causing germ and helps prevent it from coming back. said that they deleted these texts on from the 5th and the 6th after he asked for them. many you don't end up charging but they know you have been probe them. >> well, i guess i'd make a couple points. I think we need to seize a lot of those voting machines. I mean, his job is to preserve and protect the Constitution, our government, and he fails entirely and then covers up the fact that he didn`t do anything and what he did do was kind of encouraging them. where is the general consensus among our political leadership that we need to nip this in the bud? So we`re going to that. sodomizing him in a police station. Ari Melber Biography. we have a special report . or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. >> i'm joined by former rnc chair michael steele. But this would seem to have both, and tonight there`s a new police officer corroborating it. That full species of crime is on the table based on this information. there was a tough prosecution back then. The DHS inspector general says it determined that texts were deleted after -- and this is important, after the watchdog requested copies of those very text messages. What I`d like to see is money that we put into bulletproof vests and guns, going to the Police Athletic League, and to start a foster relationship between the police and the community. Take a look. Well, if you put that on your phone right now with your camera, you can go directly to "MAVERICKS," msnbc.com/mavericks. now, just as smith's prosecutions had that history with mayor giuliani, he had his own brush with the trump administration announcing charges in the case i just mentioned, throe days before that president was going to attend a trump white house summit. dandruff is caused by irritation to a germ that lives on everyone's scalp. MELBER: That was the physical clash that went off like a bombshell when it was put under oath and in front of the nation. Once there is information put on the table that`s credible, she testified under oath, that comes awfully close to the president choosing to lead what he knows is armed, what he knows is an effort to overthrow the vote count to certify the new president and which he apparently intends to lead himself down at the Capitol, then it is incumbent upon DOJ to carry that further and fully investigate whether this is incitement, whether it`s insurrection. (gentle piano music). And that way we`ll have actual families that where the mother may have went to college, she can marry someone of a trade that can make a decent living. it's one pill, once a day, that's effective without topical steroids. we turn to our other big story right now, which is about accountability also in this era of insurrections. gracias. now, let me level with you. some prosecutors just basically won't do it unless they are dragged to it. But first, we`re hearing about this go bigger go home. Is the inaction, which is going to be the two hours that are going to be the focus of the final primetime hearing, is the inaction itself criminal evidence or is it not enough? so u bring ubrelvy. You just gotta keep going. Before joining MSNBC, Melber practiced First Amendment law and served as a legislative aide in the U.S. Senate. but the test isn't whether or not marjorie taylor greene gets an assignment or, you know, santos, you know, is overlooked. in our special report right now we're going to chart smith's road to this current assignment, deciing whether or not to indict an ex president. You have the power to do it. Take me up to the Capitol now. he did not deserve this. >> yeah, i think he has a really good courtroom demeanor. Follow Ari on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. he prosecuted a sitting president accused of war crimes, accused of leading militants to murder. it's pretty much that even keel the whole time. did they do had for that? tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. And what`s the committee going to do about it? And then we find that an officer, a D.C. officer corroborates what she has to say and apparently it was wildly enough known that he would know it and she would have heard it and others would have heard it, and the fact the president wanted to go to the Capitol and it was known within the White House, and that he might very well out of anger, and this time he wouldn`t be throwing food, he`d be reaching for the driver of the car. tonight on msnbc there's a national day of racial healing. jurors explaining that smith's prosecution team, when they looked at all the facts and the way they waged the case, they just did not have the goods. sorry, i had another thought so i got back in line. now we'll put you in office? it's very funny, though, because i know him, to hear about him being a sober guy, because i don't think his friends would describe him that way. It`s a deal as a promise. to join the team, call now or go to jointeamtomorrow.org and make a $10 monthly donation. i know what's right for me. Mr. Bannon`s trial begins Monday. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. If they did, why did they disappear? They say this was all part of a routine IT procedure. Well, one of the most Trump- friendly and loyal Republicans in Congress, the Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan, posted online, quote, another lie. And so my question to you, if this is criminal evidence, which it may or may not be, what does a lawyer or a prosecutor do with those hours where the apparent question seems to be, were more crimes committed and more people hurt because of in this case the president`s refusal to act? Because I love hearing your ideas at arimelber.com. when the facts suggest they have to turn and investigate their own -- government leaders, their own bosses, the police who are their government teammates in investigations -- that is harder. thank you for your time, andrew weissman. >> thank you, andrew. And I expect that to come from the south. These are just facts. At a minimum, that is a terrible choice of words. then there's the flipside as bob mueller found, that if you do, that might require some other different out of court skills. DHS officials have been discussing this. Political and news stories, with interviews and original reporting from around the nation. So -- but I like to see a radical -- a radical change in how we view politics. >> my staff raised concerns when he had a staff member who impersonated by chief of staff, and that individual was let go when mr. santos found out about it. And I want to tell people that may not think he said something. FLANNERY: Yes, I think it is enough. you can almost feel the drag when people walk by with their phones. >> that was mayor giuliani at the time, but the scandal and obvious legal question he knows as a prosecutor was not whether some other unnamed government employees were good people. Have a great weekend. but it's not just about savings. this is the ill logic here and the silence from the republicans -- >> or a legislator's daughter. marjorie taylor greene et al got payback, so check those boxes. you can hear from his sister. it could have been more -- um -- yeah, it could have been a lot more. It airs weekdays at 6 PM ET . >> it's kevin. it's someone who gives up themselves so that others will get the help they need. Why there is a new plan to go do grassroots organizing to hold Mitch McConnell accountable for obstruction right now. I just want people to know like, Dave, let me know. cologuard is a one-of-a kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. he has a rare record of prosecuting presidents and heads of state. We do see two themes here that I think are important. breztri gives you better breathing, symptom improvement, and helps prevent flare-ups. Think about what that testimony means. We won`t show you more of it. all of this is made possible because of heroes like you who go online to loveshriners.org right now and say yes, with your monthly support. MIKE: Well, what I`m seeing in the music is what they`ve said to me, Mike, it doesn`t matter that you`re not perfect. then they beat and sexual assaulted him. silent retreat? now, in that same work dealing with corruption, smith did notch a victory at a trial level, convicting republican virginia governor bob mcdonnell of charges from his days in office, but even that was complicated. Whether this is a legitimate witness or not, you know, I think is still up for question. >> they deflect to joe biden's document scandal. the national broadcasting company (nbc) is an american english-language commercial broadcast television and radio network.it is the flagship property of the nbc entertainment division of nbcuniversal, a subsidiary of comcast.it is headquartered at 30 rockefeller plaza in new york city.the company also has offices in los angeles at 10 universal That is the Justice Department`s job. rinvoq is not a steroid, topical, or injection. they deflect to weaponizations of the government, right? That`s for the Department of Justice. >> what was that person's intent? that and the paycheck. (einstein) $25?! New spotlight on deleted text messages by the Secret Service, as new witnesses backing up account of Trump altercation with agents. Where we talk to artists and musicians. "the beat" with ari melber starts right now. MELBER: Well, Run The Jewels shirt is that`s the right thing to start with. MIKE: Ari, thank you, and may you a (INAUDIBLE). Run, (BLEEP), run. no justification for the conditions under which they were held or the manner under which they were brutalized and torture in the their detainment. smith's not only aggressive in court. here's a hint. that is why this is so terrible them type of radicalism is a threat to our nation. Of course, Steve Bannon goes to trial on Monday. Even though they didn`t get unionized. i don't know. He was one of the first people to jump on my black bank account -- my bank -- black campaign. let me think for a moment. >> the story sending shock waves through the presidential campaign. most meals and all snacks. Now Navarro told us here on THE BEAT that he disclaimed anything about that. ting and risk-reward analysis help make trading feel effortless and its customizable scans with social sentiment help you find and unlock opportunities in the market with powerful, easy-to-use tools power e*trade makes complex trading easier react to fast-moving markets with dynamic charting and a futures ladder that lets you place, flatten, or reverse orders so you won't miss an opportunity (gentle music) - [narrator] think about a child you love. we do not tolerate nor stomach political assassinations. life. start a new day with trelegy. We reported on that, and from other people who started attacking her for this, quote-unquote, "hearsay" thing. they can help you create a retirement-income plan designed to balance growth and guaranteed income. But we do think it`s quite clear that the president, you know, through a variety of actions, intended to not have the election count to overturn the election. REP. LIZ CHENEY (R-WY): Next week we will return it to January 6th itself. A basic uninformed investigator would think this is important stuff to have and we don`t know what value it has, so why would we destroy it? your contribution will help improve the lives of children and families around the world and you'll receive updates on how your support is tackling the issues you care about most. Coming up, you have Republicans dealing with actual fallout, and punishing protests, and potentially midterm problems, over all of these anti-choice rulings and the way the states are trying to ban women`s rights. police then beat and sexual assaulted him. that's right, robert. so let us focus on the how. And then we have another development I want to update folks on. The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell. watch how this court functions and then judge. But a lot of this is coming together in ways that look worse than they even looked back then, which is really saying something. Original release. MELBER: Or as I would say, is the inaction --. A Washington police officer who was in the motorcade corroborates Hutchinson`s account of what Trump was doing. after a federal grand jury charged him with six. as viewers can hear, you're closer to it than just about anyone. you will hear from victims who have waited two decades -- two decades to be heard. the interesting aspect of feature of this that we seemingly as a culture, society, and certainly within our political class are not addressing is the correlation between that hot rhetoric and the subsequent attempts at violence or direct violence, whether it's what we witness with the governor of michigan and the attacks and attempt on her life and family, to what you just reported. Despite scandal-plagued Rep. George Santos (R-NY) facing increased calls from members of his own party to resign, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is standing by him and refusing to do anything . `` who are you? `` thought so i 'm joined by FORMER rnc chair michael.! Who will try to have both, and joy reid, 10:00 eastern tonight him... An interview with prosecutors who have waited two decades to be heard, it 's pretty that... Operatives immediately tried to lie about it that, in particular, progressive. Help you create a retirement-income plan designed to balance growth and guaranteed income starts right now say, is open! Lee, chris hayes, and we ` re going to do with something like this trending topics a --..., 10:00 eastern tonight the last Word with Lawrence O & # x27 ; ve angioedema... A new day with trelegy > they deflect to weaponizations of the first thing i did i walked in i... > president of kosovo is in the their detainment that, you know, illegality is something that i are! 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