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The country was rated 153 out of 162 in the 2018 index, clearly exposing the gender inequality gap. The divided country economically was also enhanced by the political structure of separate administrative systems during colonialism, which left rural areas with a very limited political voice. In the modern century, for most countries around world it seemed that gender inequality is cruel and unreasonable, but countries in mid-Asia are exceptions. Study for free with our range of university lectures! In Sierra Leone, progress has been made in expanding opportunities for women and girls to promote gender equality and empowerment of women. The lack of related curriculum also explains why the highest drop out rates and therefore highest illiteracy rates are in the rural areas, which is actually where the majority of the population live. I was never aware of the terrible conditions that migrant workers faced. Childfree women felt like their value and identity were centered and focused on maternal status rather than the struggle they made for independence and the experience attained. In Sierra Leone, over 700,000 households (58 percent of total households) are engaged in agriculture, mostly of a subsistence nature, with approximately 250,000 households involved in the fishery sector. Equality among people justifies the development of human civilization. Equality can be a wonderful thing in kindergarten. Girls and women who are poor, live in remote areas, are disabled, or belong to minority groups continue to lag behind. For example transfer of state resources to the elite. . Introduction: Gender inequality towards women in Sierra Leone can be described as inequitable or impractical compared to the equality of women in developed/western countries. Photo:UN Women/ Cecil Nelson. Insecurity, infrastructural decay, low earning power, unemployment, a break-down of the health system, poor education, blatant gender inequalities and neglect of child welfare were among indicators of the civil war on society. Also, after schooling the number of women in the workforce has gone from 51.3 percent to 53 percent from 1996 to 2004 (MDGs Sierra Leone). In the rural labor force, women provide more than 60% of farm labor for food production, but this forms part of a larger power dynamic problem as men still possessed greater access to ownership and control of the production, reducing women to a marginal position. Gender Inequality In Sierra Leone. . Yet despite the challenges posed by climate change and gender inequality, evidence shows that women are actively contributing to building resilient cities. In fact, in Sierra Leone, rape is extremely common and is considered a "societal norm" (US Department of . Everyone should be entitled to an equal amount of opportunity in the developing world and gender shouldnt be a determining factor of who is allowed/gets the better education. . Equality, after struggling and fighting for his freedom, finally knows why he lives and what has been missing in his life. Intersectionality explains why gender cannot be in isolation from other inequalities in the social world. Boulder, CO: Lynne Reinner. The female literacy rate has gone from 16.7 percent in 1996 to 23 percent in 2004 (MDGs Sierra Leone). This is trying to help eliminate gender discrimination in many countries, including Sierra Leone (MDGs). When a society is ruled in a communistic fashion, like Harrison Bergeron and Anthem, pleasing everyone is nearly impossible. Note: Content in this archive site is NOT UPDATED, and external links may not function. Sierra Leone Gender Analysis. Gender inequity is a large issue being faced in Sierra Leone. Doing well out of war. The essay will open with some background on the main historical mechanism of colonialism and will follow onto look how this legacy combined with contemporary factors that have reproduced poverty and inequality socially, economically and politically. At the core of such violence is gender inequality that is pervasive in Sierra Leone society. UN in Sierra Leone commemorates Human Rights Day with drama, music & statements. UN Women Representative to Ethiopia, Africa Union and Economic Commission for Africa; Letty Chiwara commended the Government and people of Sierra Leone for their relentless effort in ensuring that women realize their full potentials. It proves a permanent truth that the more civilized the people are, the less inequality would be promoted. . . Sierra Leone Telegraph: 8 August 2022: After sixty years of procrastination, the Parliament of Sierra Leone has today passed into law "The Customary Land Rights Act 2022", which the government says will address deep inequalities and discrimination in the ownership and control of land, especially in the provinces. Colonization in the country really left the beliefs on gender equality the same, and they have really remained the same since. This situation is in turn perpetuating a vicious cycle of poverty and gender inequality from generation to generation. It helps mobilize their productive capacity to alleviate poverty and to maximize economic output. Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher? We see stereotypes, which are also known as judgements of people who you have no prior knowledge, of many times in our lifetime, for example, Islamic women terrorized by Americans for begin terrorists, or African Americans begin portrayed as dangerous criminals. In urban contexts, women are carving paths to inclusion across . Being that I am a female and I am Sierra Leonean, now I view the inequality and unjust treatment of females in the developing world as a major problem that needs an urgent solution. The Women Count Data Hub is made possible by the partners of the Women Count programme, which include the Governments of Australia, Ireland, France, Mexico, Sweden, the United States and the United Kingdom and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,Alibaba Foundation and Elizabeth Arden. This colonial originated urban bias where urban centres were favoured as centres of control and economic growth meant the rural peripheries were only further left behind in their development, increasing inequalities and sustaining poverty. Sierra Leone has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world - for every 100 000 live births, 890 women die during childbirth. Legalizing Gender Inequality persuasively refutes this strong-form market-based defense. Sierra Leone is deeply rooted in traditional attitudes regarding the roles and responsibilities of women and men (CEDAW, 2014); where decision-making rests with the men (fathers, husbands, brothers), including related to the health, well-being and overall welfare of women (FAO, n.d.). From simple essay plans, through to full dissertations, you can guarantee we have a service perfectly matched to your needs. Sierra Leone was first colonialized by the British in 1787, their influence over hundreds of years affected all aspects of the nation, from trade structure to education system, their influence had impacts which can be strongly related to the continuing existence of poverty and inequality which still exist today despite becoming formally independent in 1961. Freetown, Sierra Leone, and Rockville, Maryland, USA: Stats SL and ICF. Regional Director for East and Southern Africa, Regional Director for West and Central Africa, African Girls Can Code Initiative (AGCCI), Special Representative to the AU and UNECA, In focus: 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence 2022, Gender equality matters in COVID-19 response, 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence, Assistant UN Secretary-General & UN Women Deputy Executive Director, Asa Regner and UN Women Regional Director for West and Central Africa, Oulimata Sarr to visit Sierra Leone, UN Women and Sierra Leone UNCT organize a panel discussion on the theme Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow, His Excellency, President Julius Maada Bio joins world leaders as a HeForShe Champion with bold and groundbreaking commitments to achieve Gender Equality. http://org.newtrier.k12.il.us/academics/faculty/hjelmgren/africa09proj3lev.html. Historically, women have been discriminated against and are heavily under-represented in the Republic of Sierra Leone: Education sector analysis: assessing the enabling environment for gender equality Corporate author : UNESCO IIEP Dakar. The political system established during colonialism was made of a system of Paramount Chiefs who were elected by local Notables. 602 Words3 Pages. These two characters saw the issues in the equality of the government. Addressing harmful practices are also covered by raising awareness on both the potential short and longer-term health consequences, human rights violations of FGM, and the negative impact that early marriage and teenage pregnancy can have on the lives of girls and their families. The country experienced complete economic and social collapse. Women account for 52 percent of the total population in Sierra Leone yet occupy less than 20 . After these problems are addressed, it is easy to see how more education can provide a better world for the, Too often remarks such as selfish, self-centered, lacking in responsibility or cold were associated with childfree women (McQuillan et al., 2012). She further stated that the transformation of the Act into reality is important owing to the fact that 87 percent of women in the country are more active in the workforce compared to the 75 percent men. To accomplish this, the . In Equalitys new world he will have complete freedom and no rules holding people back from learning and growing. He knows it is against the law but he enjoys knowledge so much, it confuses him. More than two . These, Equality lives in a collectivist society, which is a society that believes, that man must be chained to collective action and collective thought for the sake of what is called the common good. Therefore, Equality being the person he is, struggles with being an individual. Education is very important in order to explore the potentials that will drive every person to their future pathways of success. But, the country is starting to turn around. Addressing harmful practices are also covered by raising awareness on both the potential short and longer-term health consequences, human rights violations of FGM, and the negative impact. Yet gender inequalities remain deeply entrenched across most societies. Moreover, women of reproductive age (15-49 years) often face barriers with respect to their sexual and reproductive health and rights: in 2019, 53% of women had their need for family planning satisfied with modern methods. This issue affects me because I feel the need to check my privilege. Sudanese women account for a larger percentage of the national . Sierra Leone Demographic and Health Survey 2019. This story takes place in Sierra Leone. In some areas, however, progress toward gender equality has been limitedeven in developed countries. Ben- Ari, Nirit , and Ernest Harsch. In other words, should male and female be treated in the same way? Providing universal access to, and ensuring the completion of, primary education for all girls and boys is one of the key areas of concern identified in the Beijing Platform for Action adopted in 1995. As of 2012, women embodied 24.1% of the National Assembly of Sudan. As seen throughout this case study, Ive learned that there is a significant difference of gender inequality in the developing world than those of western, more developed countries and displays just how there needs to be a change in this. An official website of the United States government. The estimated level of inequality in Sierra Leone is also lower than for many settlements of the same . Traditionally in Haitian culture women are the head of the household but still place their husbands authority above them. This landmark achievement increases efficiency in reporting, decreases data transmission turnaround time, and helps organize data for use in outbreak . Their voice, visibility, participation, and representation in elective and appointment positions remain very low compared to men. By Abu Bakarr Benson, Youth & Girl Activist, Sierra Leone. All of the groups fighting in the civil war that happened between 1991 and 2002 were charged with human rights violations (Ben-Ari & Harsch). Gender equality is not something one should have to worry about in this day and age, but sadly most woman in America have experienced these disadvantages. A strong emphasis on the human rights, including reproductive rights, of individual women and men underpins all of UNFPA's work. These qualities are just some of the degrading aspects of inequality. The root causes of conflict: evidence and policy implications. The Essay Writing ExpertsUK Essay Experts. Paper prepared for UNU/ WEIDER-Queen Elizabeth House Conference on War, Hunger and Displacement: The economics and politics of the prevention of humanitarian emergencies, Stockholm, June 1516. She added that, gender inequality is a global concern and Sierra Leone is not an exception. Corruption within systems such as the healthcare system meant they failed to provide the basic medical needs of the poorest citizens, which is a key reason for the continuing existence of poverty. (Photo: Market women protesters in Freetown). However, work still needs to be done in Sierra Leone to achieve gender equality. Issues of unequal opportunities for boys and girls continue to be exacerbated by factors such as early marriage for girls, teenage pregnancies and harmful practices such as Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). The current Ebola virus disease outbreak in West Africa has infected 27,237 peoplealmost exclusively in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leoneof whom 11,158 died. . Under analysis by the Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (World Bank 2005) it was found that 70% of Sierra Leoneans live in poverty. Health promoters, many of them women, work with lead mothers to promote pro-nutrition actions among pregnant and lactating mothers for their own and their childrens benefit and to encourage mothers to attend prenatal and postnatal care. The essay will be concluded by a concise and critical assessment of the reasons behind the continuing existence of poverty and inequality in Sierra Leone. "Sierra Leone war crimes: Women speak out, Kargbo, Fatmata. Schools in Sierra Leone reopened in April 2015 after the world's worst recorded Ebola outbreak. Some of these challenges include lack of economic independence, high illiteracy and entrenched customs and traditions, political violence and reprisals, the absence of progressive laws that protect and promote participation for women, and the lack of confidence to vie for public positions. Firstly, the only way to decrease the educational gap between males and females is to implement policies that decrease or completely remove school fees for girls and prohibit families from removing their daughters from school before the age of 18. In the course of the campaign for the Parliamentary and Presidential Elections in 2011, the current Sierra Leone was first colonialized by the British in 1787, their influence over hundreds of years affected all aspects of the nation, from trade structure to education system . Gender equality and women's empowerment in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is central to the achievement of all 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular SDG 5, to Achieve Gender Equality and Empower All Women and Girls. Officially the Local Court is the only institution permitted to adjudicate customary law, under the Local Courts Act of 1963. We promote gender equality and women's empowerment across sectors by focusing on improving women's health, increasing their participation in governance at all levels through increasing the political, social and economic rights of women . Vice President Victor Bockarie Foh Signing the HeForShe Board. This public health emergency has significantly impacted the right to health and the right to freedom of expression in these three countries. Women account for 52 per cent of the total population in Sierra Leone yet occupy less than 20 percent of elected positions. He also called on Sierra Leonean men to treat girls as their daughters instead of wives. In Ayn Rands novella Anthem, we are introduced to this society that has fallen back into the times of the Great Rebirth. Addressing Gender-Based Violence in Sierra Leone 2 Executive summary From July 4th-14th 2006, International Alert conducted a mapping of the incidence of GBV and the programmes that are being implemented to address it in Sierra Leone on behalf of Irish Aid. The dominance of ruling class families meant chiefs received little competition and their guaranteed role for life meant they were at liberty to act despotically (Jackson and Rosberg 1982:17-19). Find out about career opportunities at USAID. These dystopian worlds attempting to live in a community where equality is the focus, have failed. We're here to answer any questions you have about our services. And while forced conscription was mainly used against males, these crimes were committed almost always to women (Ben-Ari & Harsch). Sierra Leone is a deeply gendered society, where the socio-cultural norms that govern attitudes, behaviours, practices and expectations results in gender inequality. For this score, we use the 72 gender-specific SDG indicators in the Women Count Data Hubs SDG Dashboard for the 193 UN Member States. Access to quality education, retention and completion of school remain challenges for children in Sierra Leone. However, work still needs to be done in Sierra Leone to achieve gender equality. Property and titles are inherited by male lineage, and men dominate in political leadership. The country will also be forming gender forums and support groups for women in abusive relationships and to encouraging women to speak out (Kandeh). On this International Womens Day, we celebrate all women, and particularly those leading the charge for equality. Africa Office Corporate author : United Nations Children's Fund ISBN : 978-92-803-1444-1 Collation : 272 pages Language : English Women hold 12.3% of seats in Sierra Leone's Parliament. Oxfam in Sierra Leone. Believers in equal rights for women are celebrating Sierra Leone's just-passed Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment (GEWE) Act, which mandates equal pay for equal work, maternity leave, financial inclusion, and a 30% quota of women in government appointments and private institutions with more than 25 employees (AYV News, 2022). Tax incentives resulted in massive revenue losses for Sierra Leone. Gender equality is globally the most common form of inequality and remains a major obstacle to the eradication of poverty. Here you can choose which regional hub you wish to view, providing you with the most relevant information we have for your specific region. Similar levels appear on the other mid-Asian countries too. Stewart, F. (1998). Addressing gender inequalities and promoting women's and girls' empowerment to build an equal future for all children COVID-19: a crisis for women and girls . When it comes to early marriages, South Asia leads the world. By Anjali Manivannan. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Registered office: Creative Tower, Fujairah, PO Box 4422, UAE. For each indicator, we calculate the 33rd and 66th percentiles of the distribution and, based on those two values, countries are classified as belonging to high performance, medium performance and low performance categories. The third one of these goals is to promote gender equality and empower women (MDGs Sierra Leone). For every 1,000 girls in Sierra Leone, 112 will become mothers between ages 15 and 19. The dominance of an agricultural based economy highlighted previously, was reverted to after independence, due to an imperial economic structure built only to benefit the colonial power and not to sustain future growth. USAID helps empower women in Sierra Leone through continuous sensitization, training in leadership skills, advocacy and planning and entrepreneurship. The civil war and the Ebola crisis changed gender norms in favour of emancipation of women. In particular, it highlights women's increasing agency in acquiring knowledge, diffusing power, engaging in grassroots politics, and compelling the government to adopt more . Ismail is now an eager volunteer to take the message to his home in the provinces of Sierra Leone. Poverty is a complex term that includes social, economic and political elements (Sabates, R. 2008). We work with local non-governmental organisations, civil society organisations and other development agencies ensuring multi-level coordination to help strengthen the implementation of existing legislation pertaining to gender equality. Ghana, Liberia and Sierra Leone pledged free access to health care. http://www.un.org/en/development/desa/policy/wess/wess_dev_issues/dsp_policy_01.pdf, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0305750X03000093. "Sierra Leone: Local Government Crucial to Putting an End to, "MDGs Sierra Leone Goal 3 - Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women. Their voices are being drowned out by the resistance of conservative religious groups and reluctant government officials. Our academic experts are ready and waiting to assist with any writing project you may have. Equality is able to experience a free society through the characters he is reading about. Once the women are in the work force though, neither them nor men always paid. Equality comes with progress and progress takes time. Instead, they focused upon areas such as Freetown for investment which they would prosper the most, simply widening the gap between rural rich and urban poor. There is also a very large amount of domestic violence towards women. Women make up much of the farming workforce, says Yeanoh. The Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAPS) consisted of loans and later introduced Poverty Reduction Papers, which paralleled closely to the well-known Millennium Development Goals. Sierra Leone represents a unique case to assess the gendered impacts of COVID-19. How do we provide more awareness to forms of silent and normalized oppression? If you are looking for current information, visit www.usaid.gov. Humans frequently face adversity throughout daily lives, whether minor challenges or major hurdles; these problems include unretainable lost objects or the death of a beloved individual. Achieving gender equity remains a challenge in Sierra Leone. The situation in Sierra Leone is one problem that needs the worlds attention and so, the affluent world and the UN should be able to look at problems such as this to create an equal opportunity and do justice for these girls. Alternatively if they cannot work to the best of their abilities due to illness, they may not be able to earn money through subsistence. Rand wrote this story in 1937 in a form of a diary. Celebrate women leaders on the frontlines of the COVID-19 response and beyond, I am Generation Equality: Working together to achieve a gender-equal world, UNFPA Executive Director on International Womens Day. In Sierra Leone, schooling and literacy are something not all women are able to experience and accomplish. So, with all of the good steps being taken, Sierra Leone may be able to really turn the problem of gender inequity around. Gender inequality coupled with staunchly held, restrictive gender norms manifest itself in high levels of gender-based violence (GBV), which due to the weakened social structures . New York: United Nations Development Programme. The world should be a much better place and it will be if only people work for the common good of the people and abolishing the law. Women enjoy limited access to decision-making power, and access to and control over resources. Poverty and inequality are some of the clearest examples of how gender discrimination harms society. Current activities also supported by UNFPA include community mobilisation/sensitisation and demand creation activities for family planning, reproductive health and fistula services. . Gender equality is a term that is commonly misunderstood by many. Looking for a flexible role? The body of 21-year-old . Inequality based on gender is a serious concern in modern times the world over; men and women are yet to enjoy the same privileges. In particular, it highlights women's increasing agency in acquiring knowledge, diffusing power, engaging in grassroots politics, and compelling the government to adopt . Majority of the beneficiaries and agents of change of USAID-funded health activities are women. External links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views contained therein. USAID helps empower women in Sierra Leone through continuous sensitization, training in leadership skills, advocacy and planning and entrepreneurship. The Sierra Leone parliament has passed a long-awaited Gender Empowerment Act which establishes a minimum gender quota for female parliamentarians. The reasons for the continuing existence of poverty and inequality are highly complex and overlapping in nature. It is impossible to discuss gender and the influences it has on one livelihood without acknowledging the other aspects of ones identity. As we have earned in class, equality and justice is not the same thing. Women in all parts of the world suffer violence and discrimination and remain under-represented in decision-making processes. On the legal basis for the GEWE Policy, the 1991 Constitution of Sierra Leone provides the foundation for the principles of gender equality. This concentration upon English language proved to have no utility in problem solving tasks the rural community face, according to the experiment which Scriber and Cole carried out (1981), instead only advantaging those wealthy urban students who would gain return from utilising such verbal explanation. The third one of these goals is to promote gender equality and empower women (MDGs Sierra Leone). Richard Maclure and Myriam Denov stated how a policy of rapid post-war educational expansion, with its emphasis on increased girls access to schooling, will no longer support the diminishing systemic discrimination against girls and women, and how preoccupation with rapid, Prior to this case study I was aware of some inequality between males and females in most developing countries but never really understood what it is females go through day by day as a forced lifestyle. Women in Sierra Leone have always made vital contributions to the economy and have often played a substantial role in the subsistence of their families. Whereas those in a privileged position of wealth and influence, who first seeked the benefits of colonial education in Freetown, will remain in school and go onto higher education where they can secure the best jobs, resulting in another reason for the widening gap of inequality. The Gender Inequality Index (GII) is an index for measurement of gender disparity that was introduced in the 2010 Human Development Report 20th anniversary edition by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Sierra Leonean women are at risk for sexual and gender-based violence in the form of domestic violence, sexual assault of adults and minors, marital rape, school-related sexual abuse, and harmful traditional practices like female genital mutilation. Disclaimer: This is an example of a student written essay.Click here for sample essays written by our professional writers. Governments need to support these young women and fulfill their dreams. I have seen Latina maids and European nannies, but I never thought about how those women could have been mistreated. There have been multiple attempts to create a more equal society and reduce the overwhelming amount of poverty in Sierra Leone, these have been sourced from institutions such as the World Bank, however it is debatable how true their impact has really been with their strong neoliberal bias. We specifically focus on gender equality as a means to significantly reduce inequalities and empower people living in extreme poverty to improve their lives. Promoting and protecting human rights requires considerable cultural fluency as UNFPA works in some of the most sensitive and intimate spheres of human existence, including sexuality, gender relations and population issues. Sierra Leone among the worst in the world. Keywords: Sierra Leone, gender, artisanal mining, governance, genre, exploitation minire artisanale, gouvernance.

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